Not so long ago, a small
village in Northern Vermont was
visited by two strange,
but friendly alien beings. My
village was awed by their
supernatural powers, and impressed
by their generosity.
A friend and I quickly made friends
with these aliens and
vowed to keep their presence a secret
until their mission was
complete, and they had returned to
their own galaxy.
At last, 25 years later, the whole story
of this incredible brush
with extraterrestrial life can be
told. And I am
here to tell it.
The aliens arrived here
when I was 13. They came in a
box-like space craft
that was silver and gold. It blinked
blue lights that changed
to red when it landed, which it
presently did.
A ramp extended and two aliens walked out.
"Greetings," one said.
The other nodded at my best friend,
Janalyn, and me.
"Please take us to a secure location.
Preferably somewhere
that your fellow humans won't see us,"
she said hurriedly.
"Sure!" Janalyn exclaimed.
I was so startled that I couldn't
speak. We took
them to her house, but when her mother
screamed, we decided
my house would be safer.
While we were walking,
Janalyn asked why they were here.
They wouldn't answer.
All they would say was that they would
explain when they were
in a secured location. Since they
wouldn't talk, I took
the chance to study the aliens.
I knew I had seen them
before, but I couldn't figure out from
where. They almost
looked like Klingons, but they were
dressed in Starfleet
Academy uniforms, and they were too pale
and too nice. Besides,
I thought Star Trek was fiction.
The first one, the one
that talked, was a female. She looked
stern, ready to do her
mission, but not unkind. She had a
black and yellow uniform,
which meant that, if she had been
studying at the Academy,
she was training to be in Security
or Engineering.
The other alien, the one
that hadn't talked, was a male. He
was dressed in a blue
and black uniform, so I decided he must
be studying the Sciences
or Medical. He looked a little
unsure of himself, and
kept looking around, almost as if he
expected an ambush.
Noticing this, I fell into step with
him. He flinched
away, but then looked at me. When I
smiled, he relaxed and
looked like he felt a little more
"Do you talk?" I asked
him. I hadn't heard him make a sound
"Yes," he said quietly.
"Why don't you than?"
"Because being around
Jenika, I don't have anything to say.
She does the talking,
and I do whatever she tells me to do.
She is the captain of
this mission."
When he said that, I saw
that the woman, Jenika, stood up a
little straighter.
"What's your name?" I asked him.
"Alexander, son of Worf." he exclaimed proudly.
"Mine's Heather, and this is my best friend, Janalyn."
"Heather, come on.
I don't want to be the one to tell your
dad that we have a couple
of aliens we'd like him to meet,"
Janalyn called.
"Come on. We're almost there," I said to Alexander.
As I passed Jenika, she
grabbed me, swung me around to face
her, and asked fiercely,
"What were you planning to tell your
father when you took
us in?"
"I-I don't know," I replied.
"I guess I was just going to
say they were costumes.
He would believe me. We watch Star
Trek all the time.
By the way, are you really Klingons?"
"Yes, we are really Klingons.
Maybe. . . Maybe if you tell
your father the truth,
he will believe you also. What do you
"He believes more of my
lies than my truths. I guess I don't
tell the truth very well,
or else I lie too well. Either
way, he doesn't believe
me half the time anyway. I guess the
truth would work."
I thought, She looks like a Klingon/Human
mix, she acts a lot like
a Klingon and a Vulcan, and she has
the intellect and logic
of a Vulcan. Weird.
So we went to my house
to discuss their mission. My dad did
believe their story.
He also got them to tell us what their
mission was, and how
they got here. Here's what happened:
They were on a mission
to arrest a Bajoran criminal that had
escaped. He was
suspected of assassinating a Cardassian
leader, Gul Dukat.
They thought he was on Earth, and had
narrowed it down to our
village or the next one. Now they
needed our help to arrest
Alexander said, “The criminal,
whose name is Qualis, is
wanted for questioning
back in our own time.”
Saying this caused Jenika
to glare. “You were not supposed
to mention the time travel,
Alexander. Starfleet is already
in hot water with the
Time Anomaly Research Department. You
know that!”
They had come from the
Starfleet Academy (so it was real!),
which was located in
the next dimension, Dimension R. All
the stories that we see
on TV are not fiction, they’re real.
My dad said, “I think
I know the man you speak of. Come with
me. I'll ask a
few of my employees if they know where he
is.” And so he did.
Most of them didn't know
where the man was, but one worker
had his daughter there,
Pauline. She was a Trekkie, the same
as me. She said,
“Excuse me, Mr. Wilson. I know where
Quailis is. He's
in his lab. I can show you where it is.”
The lab was off a dark
deserted alley that made Alexander and
me shiver. Jenika
noticed this and asked us if we wanted to
stay outside.
"No thanks," I said.
"This is the adventure of a lifetime.
I wouldn’t miss it for
all the latinum on Ferenginar."
Everybody giggled.
Alexander did decide to
stay out, but only to act as lookout,
and make sure no one
tried to keep us inside.
Dad, Jenika, Pauline and
I quietly stepped inside the
building. We looked
around, and saw that Qualis had a lab
full of weapons.
He had Phasors, Rifles, and every other
Starfleet-issued weapon.
He also had a lot of Nuclear
weapons, and weapons
from all over the Alpha and Gamma
I said, “This guy is a
pro! Look he has a phasor that he can
set to ‘Instant Molecular
Destruction’!” As I looked it over,
I saw that it read ‘Stun’,
‘Kill’, ‘Instant Molecular
Destruction’, ‘Convert
to Energy and Hold’, and “Re-assemble
Energy Molecules’.
“Yes I can,” said a voice.
We all turned to see where it had
come from. We saw
that a man had entered the room, carrying
a phasor just like the
one I had.
“Uh-oh,” I muttered.
“‘Uh-oh’ is right.
You, Klingon, over there.” Qualis
pointed to the door he
had come in. “You, mister, Over
there.” He pointed
to and area that was just outside
armreach of all the weapons.
I stuffed my phasor in my back
pocket. “You, little
girl, get by your friend.” Pauline
stepped over to me.
Now stay. Narise!” He called. A
little girl ran in.
“Yes, Daddy?” she asked.
“Go get Daddy the special
book. We have some visitors that
won’t be here very long
and I need to give them a
He smiled slightly.
“Pauline,” I whispered. “See the Phasor in my back pocket?”
Put it on ‘Convert to Energy and Hold’.”
“You! No talking!” Qualis yelled. I jumped.
“Done,” Pauline whispered.
“I said no talking!” Qualis
rushed over and grabbed me by the
front of my shirt.
“Don’t make me hurt you little girl,” he
breathed. I slowly
reached behind me and grabbed hold of the
phasor. As I brought
it to face his stomach, I located the
activator button.
He looked at me quizzically as I said,
“Sir, I have two things
to say. Number one, I ain’t no
little girl. Number
two, Good-bye.” I pushed the button,
felt him let go of my
shirt, and then watched him disappear.
“Well done, Heather,”
Jenika said. “Now, give me the
Gladly, I handed it over.
Then Qualis’s daughter ran in with
a book.
“Where’s my Daddy?” she
asked us.
“Daddy has to be taken
back home now sweetie,” Pauline said.
“We took him to the ship
already. Come with us, and you’ll
be with him.
“O-kay, nice lady,” the
little girl replied.
When the arrest was over,
and Qualis was put in the ship’s
brig, I expressed my
wishes to go to Starfleet Academy. My
mom and dad decided that
if that's what I wanted, that's what
I'd get.
The town has since been
on the lookout for more alien ships,
but I never watch with
them. I know that nothing will appear
until the warp core is
invented, and the Earth is admitted
into the United Federation
of Planets.
Now, 25 years later, after
10 years at the Academy, and 15 of
working my way through
the ranks, I have been promoted to
Captain. Not only
that, but I have been given command of the
starship Enterprise NCC-1701-G.
Now, instead of looking at
the skies I can be in
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