This is the fanfiction Homepage of the STV Brat Pack. We are hoping to link to more stories than any other archive out here. So, it would be wonderful and we would be grateful to anyone who sent us their story links! Those of us who write it urge you to read ours in the order suggested. Even if we don't tell you that they are related they have a tendency to be along the same timelines. A sample of our work can be found  here. --Pewie
   Well, SHE wants it to be the biggest fanfic site on the 'Net and A O heLl combined.  But, note the 'LINK MORE STORIES...'  because we only have 6 meg of space... at this point.  Maybe we'll get more, later, but for now we can only put up our own stories... But we link, and pretty darn good at that!!... ooh, TMI!!!
--Heather Jean
I was just handed the keyboard! Okie-dokie what am I going to write? Can I say this was not my idea!  Heather is trying to edit my measly paragraph!!! NE ways  as much as I love STV...
--Delightful 'Dith
She didn't get to finish, but we'll hear more from her later.
Oo-La-La!  The kiss from Before & After!
As many of our fanfic pieces show, we are on Voyager in 2376.  We haven't figured out why yet, but some of the writings we send back are going further back than others.  In fact, to our counter-parts from before we were beamed up.  (Don't look at us, we aren't the time paradox experts, no matter how long Heather Jean watched and read Quantum Leap!)  At any rate, some have gotten back to where they need to be, and others haven't.  Ugh.  We'll try and get it fixed, okay?  Great.  Please, be patient, though. Thanks!! --HJW
 I LOVE this picture!!!!

BTW, the rating system is as follows:
G: All audiences
PT: Same as PG, but the story focuses on P/T
JC: Same as PG, but the story focuses on J/C
KA: Same as PG, but the story focuses on K/7
PG: Parental Guidence suggested
PT/JC/KA13: same as PG13, but focusing on that couple
PG-13: Parental guidence strongly advised
R: under 18 with parental approval, for violence and language
NC-17: rated R for sexual situations

'Course, until we're 18, no NC-17 stuff will be published.

Okay, at any rate, here's the deal.  As a group, Heather Jean and Pauline are the writers, and Dith is the editor.  We write fanfic/friend fic because we like to tell people our opinions... and because it got to be habit before we ever got here.  We write the fiction, and publish them, and because it's about these people and how others see them, they see themselves in a new light.  We mostly write Paris/Torres fiction, but, as you will see, we write a little J/C fiction.  Of course, in P/T fanfic that can involve other couples, we usually include J/C and K/7.  As you will also see, only about a third of the stuff here is actually done.  The rest is started on the computer.  And there are about 100 or so more that are started and not even typed at all, let alone finished.  We really should get started, huh?

So anyways, Here is our fanfic. 

Title:  Beauty Ain't Irrelevant
Rating: PT-13
Summary:  B'Elanna thinks she's ugly, still, and Tom tries to tell her she's not.
Authors:  Heather Jean and Pauline

Title: Elvis-Hidden Talents part one
Rating: G
Summary: Tom and B'Elanna met in the Holodeck and have a breif dig at Mountain Dew
Authors: Heather Jean, and a little of Pauline.  It was suggested to Tom by Heather Jean as a dig at Dew, which is Pauline's favourite drink.

Title: The Order-Hidden Talents part two
Rating: PT
Summary: Janeway has given her oddest order yet: she's ordered her crew to entertain themselves.  What does B'Elanna have to say about it?
Authors: Heather Jean, Meredith, Pauline and Renae

Title: The Picnic-Hidden Talents part three
Rating: PT-13
Summary: Tom and B'Elanna have a date.  Sequel to "The Order"
Authors: Heather Jean, Meredith, Pauline, and Renae

Title: The Shift-Hidden Talents part four
Rating: PT
Summary: Tom's late for his shift on the bridge.  Sequel to "The Picnic".
Authors: Heather Jean, Meredith, Pauline, and Renae

Title: Hidden Talents- part five
Rating: PT
Summary: The crew carries out the orders to entertain each other.  B'Elanna wins the Talents show contest, hands down.
Authors: Heather Jean, Meredith, Pauline, and Renae

Title: Klingons
Rating: G
Summary: Not Voyager, not DS9, but an incredibally funny piece of work.  Two people come back in time to catch a criminal, and take one of us forward with them.
Authors: Heather Jean, with help from Pauline

Title: Tarzan 'n' 'Lanna
Rating: PT
Summary: Our first piece of fanfic, bringing in the P/T relationship about an hour or two after their married.  It's not completely P/T, though.  It's got some interesting Seven of Nine Trek work in with it.
Authors: Heather Jean, Pauline, and Meredith

Title: Treaty of Paris
Rating: PT
Summary: A misunderstanding between Tom and B'Elanna causes Tom to make a new Treaty of Paris- named for a different reason.
Authors: Heather Jean and Pauline

Title: Triplets
Rating: PT/PT13
Summary: Tom and B'Elanna trace their family lines for anomilies in families that may be passed on to them or their children.
Authors: Heather Jean and Pauline

Title: The Second Set-Triplets part Two
Rating: PT/PT13
Summary: Set about two or three years after "Triplets", B'Elanna finds out Tom lied to her.
Authors: Pauline and Heather Jean

Title: Valentine's Day
Rating: PT
Summary: It's Valentines Day on Voyager, And our favorite ladies decide to bond. . .
J/C,K/7 and . . . P/T of course!
Authors: Heather Jean, and Pauline

Title: Niagra Falls
Rating: PT/PT13
Summary: Janeway wants to see if she's made a good (IE romantic) program, so Tom and B'Elanna test it for her
Authors: Heather Jean

Title:  Kidnapped
Rating:  PT
Summary:  Voyager goes time-travelling again.  This time, they keep the four girls that helped them
Authors:  Renae, Heather Jean, Pauline, and Dith

Title:  Homesick--Kidnapped 2
Rating:  PT
Summary:  The crew suffers from Homesickness.  Neelix ruins Ravioli. People cry.
Authors:  Heather Jean, Pauline, Dith, Renae

Title:  Les Miserables
Rating:  PT/PT-13
Summary:  The crew puts on a play/musical, much to the delight of Heather Jean, who's been trying to do this for months.
Authors:  Heather Jean

Title:  Romeo and Juliet part one
Rating:  PT-13/R
Summary:  A play goes awry as B'Elanna makes a terrible mistake, one which could cost the lives of those closest to her.
Authors: Heather Jean and Pauline

Title:  Romeo and Juliet part two
Rating:  PT-13/R
Summary:  The follow-up to Romeo and Juliet part one
Authors:  Heather Jean and Pauline

Title:  Overhaul
Rating:  PT/PT-13 for sexual situations
Summary:  The ship is in horrible disrepair, and has to go through an overhaul... Without their chief engineer, who has just gone through a nervous breakdown.
Authors:  Heather Jean and Pauline

Title:  Relieved of Duty
Rating:  PT/PT-13 for sexual situations
Authors:  Heather Jean

Title:  Strawberry Wine
Rating:  PT
Summary:  Sequel to "Hidden Talents," B'Elanna has flashbacks at one of her concerts.
Authors:  Heather Jean and Pauline

Title:  The Captain Flips Out
Rating:  JC/JC-13 for sexual situations
Summary:  Exactly as the title says: the captain flips out.  a non-corporeal body tells Q to fix it, and Q tells Chakotay the only way she can is to come to grips with everything she has ever wrongly denied... including her love for her first officer.
Authors:  Heather Jean

Title:  The Letter
Rating:  PT/PT-13 for violence, language, and abuse
Summary: Tom has to see the letter his father sent him, in order to go on with his life.
Authors:  Heather Jean

Title:  Time off for good behaviour
Rating:  PT-13 for sexual situations
Summary:  After the birth of their daughter. Tom and B'Elanna need time together without worrying about duties or their daughter.
Authors:  Heather Jean

Title:  Winter's Night
Rating:  PT/PT-13 for sexual situations
Summary:  A quiet log cabin in the woods with no one around to disturb them.  Sounds like a honeymoon to me, don't it? Maybe, maybe not. I think we'd better find out.
Authors:  Heather Jean

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