08.13.03// well i leave for syracuse in about an hour. im all
packed and ready to go! six hours alone in the car!!
08.12.03//its been awhile since ive updated. these past weeks have been
filled with bars and swing nights, also sitting on matts dock with
some of my closest friends here still drinking as the sun rises. We've
also become quite fond of going tubing and water skiing, luckily matts
dad lets us take the boat out so we usually pack it with kids, beer and
a few days ago i got the best present ever. carolyn sent me a "letter"
which turned out to be a package filled with pictures of her, a letter, a mix
tape and a burned rhett miller cd. id have to say despite the awesomeness
of her mix tape my favorite part were the pictures, because to put it plainly
she is the most beautiful thing. i come home tommorow for a week and
we have a list of things to do. im contemplating bringing her to my
family reunion which will be filled with kegs and craziness. if i do theyll
be quite pleased to find that im not into dating trashy sluts anymore.
well i have to go to work now, i leave tommorow morning for SYRACUSE.
i never thought that would excite me, but it does because of you.
07.23.03//the past few weeks have flown by like a blur. i cant think
of the last time i came home and just went to bed. these maryland
kids know how to give it hell, i thought we were bad in ny. hell no.
we get out of work around 11pm and head to matts or one of the bars.
drink, have fun and go crazy. THEN cross the bridge and head to downtown
annpolis. party there. then head back to matts. play beer pong. by now its
around 5am and we go to mcdonalds. then sleep for a few hours and go to
work at 2-11pm. then do it all over again. tonite i rest dammit!!
my boss had a bunch of us over to his house a few nights ago, including
a keg, crabs, a pool and pizza. it was good times. of course we ended
up at matts and then eventually mcdonalds once again. the bitch at the
drive thru is starting to hate us.
drama at work is becoming interesting. me and matt and jena and laura
went out on matts boat a few days ago. now the rumors are flying that
me and matt fucked them both and had some crazy foursome. i suppose this
is what happens when you work with waitresses that had children when they
were 15.
in other news, ill be home soon. the first thing im going to do is
go to the drive in with this girl. ive never been to one and i never
knew this one existed, but i guess there are a few in the upper ny
regions. who knew?
well im out.
07.17.03// well theres so much to say that i suppose ill have to make
this one a rather long entry. this past weekend consisted of pretty
much a four day party at my house, keg and all. On the last night
to my surprise two of my buddies i work with showed up with my boss
from work. i remember looking out the window and seeing him and
saying to myself "how drunk am i?" then looking again and hearing
"hey johnny whats up, got a beer?"
the funny part was in my head i thought "oh shit look busy" and then
realized i was at my own home. We sat up till five in the morning doing
keg stands and playing drinking games while he told us about the
waitresses and which ones have crazy pasts. it was an amazing night.
it turns out im a complete retard and sent that mix tape/letter to
the wrong zip code, it has since been returned to me and resent to
the right one. please forgive me being a retard? :)
im thinking on friendster they should have "complains" along with
"testemonials" then id have a ton. "that kid made fun of my crippled
brother to his face", "that kid gets drunk with his friends and comes
to my work and harrasses the hippies" "that kid banned me from his messageboard" "my girlfriend thinks he's cute and so now im going to kill him"
and so on and so forth...
well its time for work once again. lauren is coming down with her
family so ill get to see her for a bit tommorow!! woo hoo a familiar
alright, well time for work.
07.14.03// heres how my weekend went.
saturday morning: parents go out of town. i go to work
saturday night: keg party at my house with kids i work with.
we drank straight through, then we all went to work.
came back, did it again. crazy. i actually have quite a bit
of beer left in the keg so matt and a few people are coming over
for night three. im too tired to update further.
07.09.03// in the past weeks ive become quite obsessed with something
called FRIENDSTER! its sort of like pokemon for older kids, except
instead of collecting odd looking japanese monsters you collect
friends! im up to like 43 right now. the surprising part is that
i know them all in real life! i never thought i knew this many people
and when i think about it, its really not nearly close to all the
kids i know. go me!
and now for a word about hellfest. id have to say this hellfest was
probably the best yet. granted it had the same headliners as last
year, but who cares. my favorite acts included...
shai hulud
the suicide file
no warning
onelinedrawing (fucking amazing)
further seems forever
stretch armstrong
there were more, but i have a short attention span.
my favorite people at hellfest included...
carolyn, justin, jessp(from maryland), jessp(from ny), sergio
tre and laraina(not sure on spelling) matt dunn, upstate matt
mike, jeff, peterson, joe t, dixon, keith, tony(he killed people during nora)
darian, jonathon, jackie, marielle, amanda(her father is scary)
derek, tommie, tommies cousin, angie, alyssa, gigi, paul, dave is cool...
and many others. like i said, short attention span.
kids i dont know that well or met that rock...
tim n, curtis, curtis's brother, shawn with his entertaining
ex girlfriend stories, the girls at the front gate, tym, matt dunn2
all the sheriff's, the dude who works at alto cinco, the girl who
punched me in the face, the kids who picked me up when i fell in the
pit, the kids who sang theyre hearts out to the songs we all love,
ALL the staff.. so on and so forth.
thank you to my new friends from maryland for putting up with me
not knowing where we were going to sleep due to the fact that my
parents decided to go to florida. i can honestly say they were
some of the funniest and nicest kids ive met.
well, i have a mix tape to make for this girl.
07.07.03// hellfest was amazing. i met the most adorable girl...
bedtime. nite.
07.01.03// last night i went into work to find out that not only
did a few fights occur, but some drunk chick fell through the
glass door. it always seems whenever i take a weekend off from
a job the most extraordinary things occur. perhaps a drunk girl
falling through a glass door doesnt sound very extraordinary to
you, but id love to see some shit like that.
last night was the party the owners have for the employees
but i unfortunatly had to work during it. to my surprise this
very quiet cute girl who usually works there showed up all
dressed up like she was going clubbing. as shocking as that was
when she opened her mouth to speak i was twice as shocked when
this usually soft spoken girl was like "damn i hear prince williams
is coming to america, id marry him, be livin in all kindsa palaces"
the whole time doing the finger head bob thing. it sucked.
i just laughed and walked away.
well, i came home and hung out with this kid scott i work with
since he also missed the party. we had a few beers and what not
good times.
well time for a shower
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
06.30.03// i have once again become sick of livejournal and<
have thus begun this much more personalized journal. Since moving
to maryland with the hopes that everything in my life would
somehow turn around, and that she would finally be the good
girl i always thought she would be ive realized i was completely
wrong. finding out someone is cheating on you is bad enough, but
when you find out that the other person (who i called) thought of
her as his girlfriend and was equally crushed is even more fucked
up. i never really though her capable of something like that.
perhaps it was my own hopes that made me put her on such a
high pedestal.
well enough about that. you live and you learn. things arent
actually that bad here. ive met a few nice kids in the local scene
as well as some kids i work with. we're taking a road trip to
hellfest this weekend, the lineup is just sick and i cant wait.
its actually probably the best three days of my life out of the
year. the last day is always the saddest, and then i spend the rest
of that year anticipating the next, and so on.
all thats happened has made me do quite a bit of thinking, something
i really havent done in awhile. what i really want, is a
nice cute/adorable straight edge girl. i myself am not straight
edge but i think the chances of her doing ecstacy and getting
fucked by two guys in the same night are considerably less then
a girl who wasnt sXe :) so those are my reasons. plus its
been such a long time since ive been with someone i was really
and truly comfortable with. all these mind games and highschool
bullshit have left me a mess. and im quite happy to be able to
move on from it all and open myself up to real people with
real feelings.
well ive talked enough. i have work soon.