Welcome to the Christian Oasis

T he world is full of sin and it seems to be beating you down. Well, You can find a sermonettes, memory verses, information, and an ally at the Oasis.

I also like to help others out who need an audience to make themselves successful, from artists to authors, musicians to miinisters. All of these People have given me their permission, and would prefer that their works not be perverted, stolen, or abused. So please show some respect. I will periodically be displaying some of them here. So look out for new specials.

I will be adding to this page frequently so please check it often for more Bible Helps. Thank you for your surfing time.

If you have any questions or comments, you can email me at Sam

Are You a frequenter of chatrooms, well I have requisitioned a chatroom just for visitors of my website. Look for MasterSpambo in other chat rooms, I would be more than happy to converse with a visitor of my website. And if you happen to use ICQ, put masterspambo on your list! Then you can chat with me even faster!