I took this picture of Janey fairly early in her UO Career.

I wish it would say Expert Archer there instead of Expert Warrior... but tactics is about .3 points higher than Archery. The other thing I wanted, was to have it say The Fair Janey. But I've passed that up, and now I'm Respectable. I don't want to be Respectable; I want to be Fair. Well, don't get me wrong, being Respectable is all well and good... but being Fair is... so much nicer. :)

I'll take another picture when it says what I wanted it to say

This is Mairi. She is the shopkeeper at Best Dressed Britannian. She has many loyal customers. She also has many not-so-loyal customers.

Mairi likes to go sailing and she likes to make outfits for people. She wishes there was a Fancy Skirt (fancy dress with the top cut off), blouse (plain dress with the bottom cut off), and better pants.

I'm not sure what Mairi's story is yet. You'll have to ask her. But her red hair and her funny accent makes me think she's from Ireland. But really - I'm not sure.


Fun With Summoning

Janey always names her animals after her friends. When Janey was practicing summoning animals, she named them after her two best UO Buddies, Hearding and Davian.

They didn't think it was as funny as she did. :)

When Davian saw what Janey had done, he said: "Hey! I'm not tame!"


This is a picture of our shop, Best Dressed Britannian. Notice how Mairi and Janey are in the same picture together.

How did I do this, you ask? Magic, I answer. ;)

Directions to BDB: Go to Skara Brae. Go through the moongate on the docks. At the second intersection, go South (game-south, not people south). Follow the road almost to just before it makes its last turn to the East. Go west instead of east. Our shop is about five steps off the road on the west hand side.



These are pictures of a dolphin doing flips (left) and a seamonster (right). Mairi is on her boat, The Tailor Express.

She uses the boat to sail around and find hides to tailor into gloves and gorgets and studded bustiers, in an effort to make Grandmaster Tailor, so the clothes she sells at Best Dressed Britannian will say "Sewn By Mairi."


kerryjane at geocities dot com