I had decided a long time ago
not to sell pants at Best Dressed Britannian. I think
they are awful. So I sell armor-pants and theigh boots
instead. As you can see by what Queso wrote in my guest book, not everyone agrees with me... |
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But then Gunther wrote this in the guest book, which made me feel better about my decision... | ![]() |
Another Detractor Speaks Out...Then... I saw a post by Chris Shadowborn on the newsgroup, publicly decrying the lack of pants in my shop. Here is a portion of it: "Then i realize.... "Oh man.... This place doesn't have any pants. Great colors... but no pants." So i pick out a nice Sea Green cloak, sash and a skirt, along with a matching forest green surcoat, all of which clash nicely with my blue hair. I try on my new purchases and think "wow. what a perfect fit too. I wonder how I look." Looking around and wishing for a mirror, but I soon realize there isn't one. I make sure to leave my name in the guest book as I head out the door; in my new cloak and skirt and feeling more insecure then ever. On my way out I think one last thing "Please let no one I know see me wearing a skirt... They finally stopped teasing me about the pink dress incedent a few months ago." I let out a sigh and begin my search for a nicely colored pair of pants." |
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"You're right. There are no pants. I hate the pants... so I don't sell them. I think they look like... chalk. Or something. They look like belly-dancer pants. They look flat. And they look like someone has just sort of 'scribbled' them on you. Fancy Pants. They are *awful.* So I *refuse* to sell them. I sell chain armor-pants and theigh boots instead.
"Theigh boots will look kind of like pants if worn with a tunic or a kilt. They look like better pants than the cloth ones, anyway.
"I also don't like leather and studded leather pants. They would have been fine, but some mo-ron had to go in and put *white kneepads* on them. Oh man. Is *that* ever awful. What I want to know is ... what, exactly, am I doing that I need kneepads for? So every leather/studded leather outfit I make I have the person wear theigh boots. Because leather pants are ugly too.
"I am waiting for some GOOD pants before I sell them. But for now... you need to wear chain, plate, or theigh boots. :)"
I also wrote: "Okay now woah. *holds hand up* A kilt is NOT a skirt. It is a perfectly valid item of male clothing. And this coming from someone who *hates* it when men in uo dress like women. :)"
My Own Partner, Davian, the one who is supposed to stand by me through thick and thin, voices his opinion with his regards to kilts:
"If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck. A skirt is a skirt, even if a guy wears it and calls it a kilt ;)"
Then, some scurvy rat named Dread Pirate Bly got into the action! He wrote an entry in the guest book after Chris Shadowborn, as can be seen in the above picture. It seems that Dread Pirate Bly has started a public interest group called Pirates For Pants! Just how many are members of this Pirates For Pants group is not known.
One thing is known, by the little 'memento' left on my counter - this group will not stop until pants are sold at Best Dressed Britannian!
Swank McCloud had this to say about The Pants Predicament: "Definately. I like to have as much of my armor covered as possable. Hell isn't that the point of a nice outfit? Fancy pants are terrable. They get covered by all armor, thigh boots and just about everything else. So your walking around fine from the waist up but you have these doofy plate legs hanging out. I won't even wear plate legs because of this, they are as bad as fancy pants."
And regarding kilts, Swank wrote: "Aye lassy, I was so glad that you can get kilts when I started this game. A friend of mine bought this game, I think, just for the fact that you could have a kilt for clothing. The best part is that it goes over your armor too."
Then Great Bob chimed in with: "Sing it sister! Yeah, I'm pretty tired of the pants situation myself. The closest thing to pants I really feel comfortable wearing is a pair of shadow chainmail and thigh high boots. Whats the other option? The so-called "fancy pants"? Bah. Look how tight those are! I bet they ride up the ass something fierce. They also look no better than newbie pants, so whats the point, really? I just want a pair of pants that fit right, and look good. No wonder so many people run around in just thier undies."
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When I went to check my vendor
this evening, I found a pair of blue pants on the
counter. Someone had stolen the gray pair that was there
earlier (people will steal anything). It looks
like Magnus replaced them with a blue
pair. And a 'kewl' blue at that. I was smart enough to lock them down this time. Monroe (seated) and I both agree that Fancy Pants are horrible. He is angry that he must wear them as part of his Vendor Uniform. Poor Monroe...! Magnus also knows that I hate the 'short boots' that are sold by the cobblers. I think they are clunky and look like galoshes. |
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Examples of the Problem...Hermes, who I met in the Skara Brae Tailor shop, and was also wearing the infamous Fancy Pants, was kind enough to pose for this photo. Is this *really* what they would have us wear to cover our undies? Yuk! Mairi, photographed at right, wears leather armor for protection when hunting. She is shown with her knee-padded leather pants. Double-yuk! |
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Where the Pants Predicament will end up, nobody knows. Maybe Pirates For Pants and I should get together and picket Lord British for new and better pants. Maybe Davian will watch Braveheart again on Video and remember that Kilt does not equal Skirt.
kerryjane at geocities dot com