Since Janey has become Famous (*rolls eyes*), I felt she deserved her own page. So here it is. At least those of you who don't know her will at least know what she looks like... so that when you see her, you can say hello. :)


This is Janey of Leinster. She lived there for almost two years, and then got itchy feet and decided to move to Britannia.

In this photo, she is standing at The Mudhole. The Mudhole is a special spot for Janey. It was where friends would meet and have fun. The Mudhole was named because of Janey. See how her toe is stuck in the mud? That's why this spot is called The Mudhole.

This is a picture of Janey after she arrived in Britannia (Lake Superior Shard). She finally got to wear Dark Green... she finally got to have a bow... and she finally got to have long hair. She was thrilled. The bad part about Britannia is that everyone is Stepford Children and has the same face. Oh well. Maybe eventually Lord British will see fit to let us have our own faces some day.

I took another picture now that it says I am Famed. I suppose it is kind of fitting. But I still wish it would say Master Archer there rather than Master Warrior.




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The Pants Predicament


kerryjane at geocities dot com


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