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I started playing Rifts back in the summer of '98 and and in the summer of '99 I swiched over to PFRPG. I made this page to tell about my campiagns and all sorts of little stuff that I've made up for Palladium Fantasy. I'm really into RPGs so don't worry this page will get better, alot better. But for now I'm just learning html so check back about once a month. Click here to learn more about me... or visit my personal site at
(04/28/06)Hi peeps. Sorry I haven't updated the page in a while. I've moved most of my time to working on the virtual rpg database. Its updated atleast every few months, so if you are looking for new stuff you should head there. I still have plans for this site though, but i have yet to figure out just what. If you're interested in the Virtual RPG database you can get there from the link at the top of this page or by clicking here.
Also dont forget to click the link on bottom of this page so you can vote for me on die roller's top 50. Please do! The more people who come here the more dedicated i get to updating and adding stuff.
Looking for Team Dust's Site? The webmaster was kind enough to allow me to take some of his content before he shuts his site down. Click here to see it.
If something doesn't work or you have questions/ comments and so onE-Mail Me at and i'll fix it. Also: Feel free to email about whatever. If you have new rules/ ideas/ rccs/ occs I'd love to hear about them and maybe post them on here. In the past I've been really bad about emailing people back because I'll read the stuff and then want to think about my reply, forget for 2 months, and not remember if I ever did reply. So I'll try to get better with that, I really do love hearing from fellow RPGers because I know so few in real life.
Stuff I updated that you might wanta check out:
Check out the stories I've written about my/my friends adventures in Rifts/Palladia
GoTo My Stories
Check out some of the stuff I made up for PFRPG.
Goto My Palladia
I've put copies of my polls here, so they're easy to find!
Vote on my Polls!

My counter since 2000.
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