"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of."Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin, the Father of the American Postal Service, is credited with organizing America's postal service in the 1700's. In 1775 he was appointed as the first Postmaster General. Under his direction the new Continental Post Office played an important role in the American revolution.
stamp collecting is like having small mirrors to reflect our historical heritage, our heroes, culture, achievements, events that shaped our lives, our hopes and dreams. Below are a few stamps from my small collection
BOSTON TEA PARTY This set of four stamps was the second time the post office used four separate designs entities to create one larger scene. These stamps depict the drama of that night in 1773 when enraged colonists, dressed as Mohawk Indians, dumped chests of tea into Boston Harbor in protest of an English levied tax. |
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CONTINENTAL CONGRESS This set of four stamps was issued to commemorate the Bicentennial of the American Revolution. Each stamp contains pretinent quotations from the first Continental Congress and the Declaration of Independence. The stamps also portray the buildings in which these meetings took place. |
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SKILLED HANDS FOR INDEPENDENCE These stamps honor the skills of American civilians who supported the troops in the field during the Revolutionary War. The seamstress who sewed uniforms and flags, the blacksmith who shod the horses and constructed metal fittings for the cannons, wheelwright, transportation would have been impossible without him, and the leather worker who made saddles, boots and holsters. |
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SPIRIT OF '76 This stamp was released to usher in the bicentennial year. These stamps is based upon the famous fife and drum painting by ARCHIBALD M. WILLARD. |
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PUEBLO INDIAN ART This set of stamps commemorate the pottery skills of the Pueblo Indians. This particular artform still lives today, but the pictures show pottery made between 1880 and 1920. |
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U.S. POSTAL SERVICE 200th ANNIVERSARY These stamps feature the different modes of transportation used to transport the mail over the years and the contrast between the old and new. The satellite is used for transmitting mailgrams. |
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This RingSurf Stamps and Philatelics Net Ring
owned by Edward J Clark Jr.
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