Just a few things before you go on:

From all of the following fantasy-related images I know nothing about any copyright information.
If you'd find one of the images made by yourself here and don't want it on my page,
or if you know anything about a copyright of one of the pics, please email me.

My page is still in its infancy. So it would be good to bookmark and visit it later again. What will probably be added soon
are unicorns and dragons, but perhaps other stuff too.

Some pictures on this sites can need some time until they are fully downloaded.
But it's worth it to wait if you like fantasy animated gifs and pictures of creatures like faeries, mermaids, etc.

When you've seen all of the next sites, you can follow the link
below of the next page to visit my homepage, where you can find some informations about me, self-written poems and stories and other creative things.

But now - Fly over to my fantasy world!

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