Travis Irwin
- Full Name: Travis Irwin
- Nicknames: Black Dragon, Boomer
- DOB: June of 1982
- Religion:Wicca
- Hair color: Brown
- Eye Color: Green(but will actualy change colors, I'm not kidding)
- Personality Type: Introvert
- Location: Outside of Chancellor,SD
- School: South East Tech
- Future School:
- Best/Close Friends: Mary Dannen (fiancee), Larissa Johnson, Joe, Karma, Ramona, Ryan, Nathan
- Pets & Their Names: dog: June, J for short: pig: Pig and many, many cats
- Things you like to do: Play Magic, play on computer, listen to music, read, program
- Things You Collect: Dragons, blades(knives, swords, axes), Magic cards, Lord of the Rings stuff
- Best Advice Ever Given: Dont smoke or drink, always be a gentlemen, and listen to your heart
- Words Or Phrases You Overuse: "You like that shit yo?"
- Stupidest Thing You've Ever Done: Tried to commit suicide
- Fave Thing To Do In The Summer: Sit on my ass
- Little-Known Talent You Possess: Very good at helping people with their problems
- Favorite Songs: "Only God Knows Why" by Kid Rock
- Character Traits You Look For Most In a Girl/Guy: Don't look anymore getting married
- What You Want To be: Something with computers(programmer or web design)
- Future Goals: graduate College
- Fave Color: Black and red
- Fave Food/Drink: Taco Bell softshell tacos
- Least Fave Food: Steak (any) and anything that comes out of the water
- Fave Vacationing Spot: Denver
- Fave Subject: Computer, science
- Fave Sports: Tae kwon do, soccer
- Other Games: Role playing games, Magic: the gathering
- Fave "Toy": My Dell
- Fave Books: Fantasy books LOrd of the Rings right now
- Book You Would Like to Read: Anything fantasy
- Fave Cartoon Characters: Tigger, Dragonball Z Characters
- Fave Animal: Dragons
- Fave TV Show: Dragonball Z
- Fave Movie:The Tigger Movie (don't ask cuz I won't tell you)
- Fave Month: June and January
- Fave Holidays: Samhain
- Fave Shampoo: Suave apple scented