The Seductress
On a starlit night she came to me
A figure of sensuous curves
With bright eyes and a smile
T'is to me she thusly serves
Her touch was delightful
Fingers tracing o'er my face
Pressing full lips to my mouth
The sweetness of her tongue I taste
But, much to my surprise
She did not stop there
Seductively removing an ornate pin
Releasing a cascade of golden hair
Deft fingers move e'er so quickly
Pulling at buttons and stays
Shedding her outer garments
With my heart she continues to play
My eyes take in their fill
As each piece drops to the floor
She slows with her enchanting dance
Leaving me to want more
She presses her warmth next to me
Oh, glorious woman in my arms
Her eyes dancing with an inner light
Imbueing me with her greater charms
Full lips take on a devilish smile
As before me she doth recline
Bearing me her budding flower
The image burning into my mind
I kneel between parted thighs
Forsaking all my morals
To kiss the soft blossom's petals
Around me the room whirls
Lapping up the sweetest of dew
I delved deeper into its folds
Breathing the headiness of her womanhood
And all the secrets it holds
My breath catches in my throat
As lithe hands stroke me into passion
A turgid heat so keenly intense
All done in a loving fashion
It takes all that is within my soul
To keep my release in reserve
Her lovemaking takes on an intensity
This is more than I deserve
Slender fingers slick with nectar
As both of us mewl with desire
Continue to piston relentlessly
Stirring loves eternal fire
With tremulous force
Bodies stiffen and hitch
Convulsing with pleasure
Climaxes reach a feverish pitch
Voices crying out as one
As passionate release is unfurled
Two bodies sensually entwined
Into orgasmic nirvana are hurled
The fervor begins to ebb
Leaving spent ardor to glow
For we are just women
This you must know
Written February 10, 2003