
Angel The Angel fish

My name is Angel. I am the cutest angelfish you ever saw. I am very personable. I react to my humans. I spend a lot of time staring at a picture of Gigi Edgley (she plays Chiana in Farscape) just outside my fish tank.

I am the only true pet to my humans in my fish tank outside of an apple snail named Jezabel. Everything else in the tank is really just there for me to entertain myself with. I live with 7 tetras, 5 corydoras, 1 blue ram, a molly, and several small snails.

I am not a mean angelfish really. I am not innocent either though. I have a real dislike of redtail sharks. This makes my humans sad because they love red tail sharks.

My humom is looking for more blue rams to keep my company. She is having the hardest time finding blue rams that are healthy near our home.

Comming soon: A webpage for my angelfish sister Buffy. She lives in a seperate tank from me. Like real siblings we do not like each other at all.

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