Randy's UFO Utopia

I believe...do you?

Welcome to my U.F.O. utopia page,this is a small list of links for those who curious about possible extraterrestrial visits to our earth. With all the stars in the heavens, it's hard to believe that we're the only form of intelligent life.


I Was Abducted.Com
Alien E-mail @ alienmail.com
The UFO Watchers
The Disclosure Project
ET Reality News
True Abduction
Parallel Universe
Dark Side of the Moon
Searh for Alien Existence
Exeye.net-(The UFO Search Engine Project)
National UFO Reporting Center
UFO-PI (Private UFO Investigations)
The UFO Vault
Planetary Anomalies
The Ultimate UFO Secret Site
Aliens in the Bible
Alien Hunter-Derrel Sims
F.I.R.S.T. (Fund for Interactive Research in Space Technology)
West Texas Sky Wonders
The Black Vault
Skywatch International
Watcher (UFOs, Aliens, & Antichrist)
Arizona Abduction Research Center (AARC)
UFOseek (UFO/Paranormal Search Engine)
San Diego UFO Information Page
Aliens and UFOs Among Us
UFO's-The Beginning Of a New World
Deb's UFO Research Information Clearinghouse
Sci-Fi Prodigy
MUFON-(The Mutual UFO Network)
UFO Folklore
UFO Online
Ultimate UFOlogist Page
Exo Science (UFO)
Reptoids.com (aliens)
List of Possible UFO crashes & retrievals
Alien Guy
The Roswell Resource Centre
Shadow Mag Online Magazine
Alien Alley
Flying Saucer Review
Extraterrestrial Biological Entity Page
Amateur Radio UFO Network (ARUFON)
The Church of the Alien Genetic Engineers
Society for the Eradication of Extraterrestrial Transgressors
Alien Astronomer- Exploring our Universe
The U.F.O. Report

*If any of these links are inactive or change address "Please" let me know,or if you have any to add just E mail me...

Please Email Me: horseman527@netscape.net