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"Time Is Running Out"
By JulieC
“We’re in big trouble. “, said Mulder in his usual sarcastic tone.
Scully was not amused. It was his fault they were here in the first place. She swore if they got out of this she would take a nice safe desk job.
“Mulder!”, was all she needed to say to make it known that she was not amused.
She knew he was just as concerned about their situation as she was.
His sarcastic manner was merely how he dealt with insurmountable odds. She
managed to find some lab notes which described some of the project that
was being conducted in that particular lab. It didn’t look good.
“It doesn’t look good Mulder.” , she said.
The look on Scully’s face told Mulder more than he wanted to know.
“ As far as I can tell, these ‘scientists’ were working on somekind of airborne chemical agent that, when introduced into a subject, causes deterioration of major neurons and motor pathways. In a sense, it shuts a persons body down ." she explained.
“How long does it take?”, he asked.
“I’m not sure. These
notes aren’t complete, but I would guess within an hour we’ll begin to
show signs of neurological deterioration.” , she answered.
Mulder tried forcing the door. He knew it was a waste of time, but he
wasn’t just going to sit by and be claimed by a bad case of the ‘flu’.
Scully just watched him for a minute, until he finally admitted defeat
and left the door to itself. She understood his frustration. The powers
that be always seemed to throw the two of them into the worst situations,
but they always found a way out. Unfortunately, this time seemed more hopeless
than any of their other brushes with death. As long as the indicator next
to the security door was red, they were infected and the security door
would not open. However,
she wasn’t ready to give up yet. She looked over the notes again.
”Maybe they developed a vaccine?”, she said.
It was logical. If these were synthetic diseases that were being manufactured, then their creators would want to have something to fall back on in an emergency, like this one.
“You said the notes were incomplete.” Typical government procedure Mulder thought. "Can you find any thing to suggest a possible cure.”
He sounded tense and he knew it, but he wasn’t about to chastise himself completely, given the situation.
“ The only thing I can find is a reference note and some biochemical
names." she explained.
" The note seams to suggest that high stimulation of these biochemicals
may produce a kind of bacteriophage that destroys the infective agent like
the white corpuscles of our body destroy invading cells. Unfortunately...they
were only in the preliminary stages of testing when we 'barged' in." ”
“What are the biochemicals they list.”, Mulder pressed.
“ They give the chemical equation for the two they were going to test.”
she said as she looked over the formulas and a sudden uneasiness came
over her.“The formulas are C 19 H 28 O2 and C 21 H 30 O2.”
“You’ll have to forgive me Scully, but I flunked chemistry. “, said Mulder “ What do they mean?”
Scully paused for a moment before answering , not sure how to tell her partner.
”The first one represents Testosterone and the second represents Progesterone.
They’re sex hormones.” She put it plainly, but it still wasn’t easy.
She knew full well what this meant.and where it would take them. Mulder didn’t know what to say. If their situation wasn’t so grim he might be incline to find it humorous.
“So in order to defeat this infection we have to increase our ‘sex drive ’?” Mulder asked with a tinge of sarcasm.
“Theoretically, yes.” answered Scully.”And we would have to increase it by a large percentage.”
“So what do you propose we do?”, questioned Mulder.
One of his mischievous looks on his face.
<Only Mulder.> thought Scully.
”We...we don’t seem to have any choice. Its our only option.”
“Scully I...” Mulder's mischevious grin left his face and for the first time tonight he didn't have a witty return. Their situation was grave, but what they were treading on suddenly made him very uneasy, nonetheless.
“Mulder, were adults.”, she said.”We can handle this, right?”
<Wrong!> she thought.
Everything in her wished she was as far away from this man as possible or at least that she was with someone else. Anyone but Mulder. Mulder knew she was right and admired his partners’sturdy as an oak nature’.
“Yeah, I guess your right.", he said sheepishly." Well were should we...uh
...do it?”
Scully couldn’t believe this was happening. She was going to have to bare herself to this man. She had known him for years. She probably knew him better than anyone else, but it didn’t change the fact that this was tearing her apart.
”It doesn’t matter.”, she said <liar>. “ The examination table is fine.”
“Scully, I know this is difficult. I promise I’ll be gentle.” he said .
He meant that with every fibre of his being. This woman was his partner
and his friend and ....so much more if he had the courage. He would never
allow anything, let alone do anything, that would cause her harm. He knew
that this was difficult for her. She was a modest woman of strong inner
morals. She didn’t sleep with every Tom, Dick or Mulder that came around,
unlike some people. Scully moved over to the examination table leaning
against it. Fox Mulder walked over to her, placing his hand against her
cheek. The electricity was instantaneous. Scully shuddered to this man's
touch. Her internal strength was crumbling. She was afraid that she would
burst into tears at any moment. Mulder
positioned his head and moved his lips to hers, caressing them gently.
The touch of this gentle kiss was sending a heady rush of warmth through
him. He knew he wanted this and almost felt ashamed of himself. He wasn’t
taking advantage of her intentionally. His feelings were mearly being unintenioally
rewarded. He was certain this was one-sided. Scully was overwhelmed...both
by her physical arousal to her partner and her emotional desire to run
away and hide in a place far from him. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, take this
anymore. Maybe part of it was the fact that they might die, but she couldn’t
restrain her emotions any longer and so, Dana Scully... began to cry. Mulder
broke their embrace.
“Scully...your crying.” he said.
Scully couldn’t look at her partner. Her embarrassment almost equaled the sadness she felt.
“Scully whats the matter?”, asked Mulder in the most uncommanding of voices.
Scully just shook her head as a sign that she did not wish to share her feelings.
“Yes, you can . I’m your friend. I always have been. If something is wrong, please, tell me.” , he implored.
“I...I can’t!”, she blurted out between sobs. “Not to you ...never to
you.” Fox Mulder
placed his hand on his partners chin, raising her head so her eyes met
his and said,”Dana.”
That was all it took. She knew she couldn’t hide from her feelings or from him. She had to answer him.
“I...I’m in love with you.” The tears flowed more freely. “ I think I’ve been in love with you since the first time I laid eyes on you. I tried to ignore it, but I finally admitted it to myself a few months ago. I’ve tried to deal with it,but....I ‘ve dreamed of us together......making love. I never...never thought it would really happen so I never told you how I felt.”
Fox Mulder listened intently.
“ I could protect what we have, our friendship, and I wouldn’t lose
you, but we were thrown into this and all of sudden all the things I dreamed
of were.....I wanted to run and hide." she said."We
would sleep together and you would never ...never know how I felt and..”she
stopped with Fox Mulder’s fingers to her lips.
"I never would have left you , my love.” he said gently.
Scully turned her gaze up at Mulder.
“My love?”, she questioned. “Then you...”
“Hopelessly.”, he answered.
She grabbed her partner, hugging him tight. Her fears of him knowing her intimate feelimgs, dissolved into a warm glow that radiated from her. Fox Mulder held his partner tightly for a few moments as he confessed his own feelings.
“ I ...I wanted to tell you how I feel, but...your very professional.
I thought if I told you I would be delegated to the list of guys who tried
to make a pass at you and the special friendship we have would disappear
with it.”, his words were from his heart and Dana Scully knew this.
“I like the friendship we have. I don’t want to lose it.’
“Neither do I.”, she answered. “I guess we were both so afraid of distancing each other we never tried to bring ourselves closer.”
These words rang true toFox Mulder and the irony did not escape him, but neither did their situation.
“Look,”, he said.” this IS important, but I think right now we have more....pressing matters.”
She nodded in agreement. There first priority was survival. If they got out of this alive, they could have a lifetime to share their thoughts and feelings, but first they had to survive.
“I don’t want to seem pessimistic, “ said Mulder, “but this may not
work and since it may be our only chance. I’d...I’d like to make love to
you the way a lover would.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Mulder.”,answered Scully. “Fox.”,he corrected. “Fox”, she replied with a smile.
Dana Scully reached up and brushed her lips against Fox Mulder’s. She
parted her lips allowing her lover to explore deeply with his tongue. Fox
Mulder moved his lips across Dana Scullty’s face, placing gentle kisses
as he made his way to the hollow of her neck. She let out a deep moan.
She had waited so long for this. She let her passion overwhelm her and
she pulled Mulder closer biting at his neck as she removed his shirt. Fox
Mulder was experiencing a heady rush, overwhelming his senses with her
hot breath. He grabbed her breasts and squeezed them firmly, eliciting
another deep moan from her lips. She was losing herself in his manliness.
Fox sought her mouth, again, thrusting his tongue against her's as he slipped
his hand inside her panties and his fingers inside her warm, moist interior.
He stroked the sesative edges, probing deeply, feeling her gasps in his
mouth. The pace
began to quicken as they hurried to remove their remaining clothing. Three
years of restrained passion would wait no longer. Fox Mulder never wanted
anyone this badly in his whole life. Their passion was reaching a frenzied
state. He could hear Scully’s breath get quicker and her moans deeper.
Dana Scully laid her partner down on the examination table, straddling
his abdomen as she did so. She raked her nails over his chest enough to
reach that level between pain and pleasure. She took his cock in her hand,
massaging his engorged sex. Fox Mulder was lost in a torrent of stimulation.
He couldn’t wait much longer. Scully rose up on her knees and brought his
throbbing member in to her own hot sex.
“OOOhhh God “ was all Fox Mulder could get out.
He was plunging into ecstasy. Scully began thrusting herself into Mulder’s
body, bringing him even deeper into her. Squeezing her muscles in a rhythmic
motion that was sending Fox Mulder over the top. Mulder could feel his
climax building. When he felt he could hold out no longer he pulled Dana
Scully’s mouth to his own as he told her he loved her. He began to tense
and let out a low moan followed by a shudder and an uncontrollable orgasm.
His own orgasm brought on Scully’s, whose last amount of restraint was
lost to a tempest of pleasure. A
scream of ecstasy tore from her lips and she screamed his name. They both
road the incredible waves of pleasure they were experiencing until it overwhelmed
them. Dana Scully collapsed on her partner’s heaving chest.
<That was the most incredible feeling I’ve ever had>, she thought.
She hugged herself close to Mulder unable to speak. Fox Mulder was the first one to say something.
“That was.....oh God. “ he paused”Incredible. You were incredible.” he said , giving her a kiss.
She smiled at him and just hugged him tight. As
she was about to say something she glanced up and noticed that the green
indicator light was active. They weren’t infected anymore. It worked. They
were going to live.
“Mulder!” she shouted. “ Its green., the indicator light “
Fox Mulder looked up and saw what his partner had already told him. Their act of passion had saved their lives.
“We can get out of here now. “ said Scully as she began to lift herself up.
Fox Mulder grabbed his partner and pulled her back to him.
“ I’m not finished with you Ms.Scully. “ , he said with a grin.
“Oh, really? “, she answered with a smile . With that they entwined their tongues in another deep kiss. They were alive. They were together and the world could wait. Their call for passion wouldn’t.