CI-FOR,  The  Crisis Intervention Force, An Airsoft team based in the North West Chicago area
Team CIFOR was formed by a few friends who have progressivly become obsessed with the airsoft hobby.  Now we are prepared to take on new members, and make the team a force to be reckoned with. Adhering to fundemental unit tactics used by military and police forces around the world, Our goal is to make real life combat methods work and succeed in airsoft. Be sure to check out or page and if your into realistic milsim, you might just want to join up. Also, Some of us are WW2 reenactors and we are thinking of making a WW2 mirror unit in addition to this one.
4/2/02 This Saturday, the sixth, we will be clearing and preparing the skirmish feild in Huntley  from 1:30pm to around 4 or 5pm. Email me If your interested in helping out. We dont need a ton of people, but all are welcome to check out the feild, and meet other team members.  Other teams are welcome too. Email me.
4/1/02 The Yorkville skirmish was a blast! Thanks! Hoyt  Pictures are up in the picture section.
3/26/02 Looks like atleast a few of us are attending the Yorkvile game this weekend (3/30/02) Be sure to email me if anyone needs to borrow any gear that would otherwise get left at home SEE U THERE!!!
3/19/02 Great news!! we are GO on our playing feild, I met the owner today, he gave us permission to use it whenever we want. SO now we just need to agree upon a date for the first Feild OP.!!
3/18/02 Well I finally got a FORUM up that we can use to communicate with the whole team. Check it out, Say Hi and introduce yourselves.
3/17/02 New Photos added, Check out the Real USARMY Photo section, some great M4A1 rigs.
3/15/02 looks like the team is now 8 players strong, the true test is when  we see how many show up to our first feild event. One thing we need is a online forum to communicate. Anyone know any good freeware?  We also have to figure out how soon we want to  get out in the feild, I know two people need to borrow a weapon so far,  Ive got a spare m4 and m16a3 for them.  But any more were going to have to scrounge. Im doing a email mailing list until we get a message board. STAY TUNED!!!!!!!
3/12/02 Steve and I scouted out our perspective home playing feild. We discoverved remains of an old paintball feild! Proably about 12 bunker/forts in all. We also found an area that was great for trench warfare,  also a large grassy feild that would make for a great sniper scenario, we are very excited about it. Just need to find out how often we can use it now.
3/07/02 Jeff says We can use the oil change shop anytime  we want. we just need to decide on a date. Id like to see more gas guns this time! Stay tunned.
3/05/02 Page going public sometime soon
3/02/02 Page launched