Team TANGO is one hell of a team, I thought I was hardcore before I met them. They're really just a great bunch of people who have a massive appetite for things that shoot bbs! Here are picts of some of the skirmishes I attended. |
The traditional weapons group shot, taken almost every skirmish. |
Group shot, A typical outing for the time, note: gangsta rapper pose. |
Redneck with his brand spankin new M40a1 sniper rifle, an amazing gun. |
Wormwood Shoots on the move with his evil Shadow AUG by FIRST. |
Skuzz taking some shots with his ultra rare Toyech FN-P90, a much better gun than I originally expected. |
Me, the author, In my usual rig of those days. |
Skuzz and Wormwood showin off their kewl AEGs. I remember Skuzz had super high speed gears in that M4 solid stock. fastest gun I ever heard... till it shreded it's gears. |