Some picts Ive gotten off the net, here we see the real gear in action!
These are the Real heros, real pictures, And they can teach us a hell of alot. CNN and the news media is plastered with m4a1 rifles these days, Its a virtual feast of ideas! Check out these REAL American heros! (and then check your kit!)
101st Airborne Troops in afganistan, there were a few in this set. This whole unit had 203 launchers. Note lighter load for recon/motorized unit.
10th mountain, note carrying both old and new version canteens, he uses both the LBV and the old style mag pouches to carry mags.
I first saw this Delta M4 on the cover of news week,  Nice rig, you'd have to put the battery in the 203, systemma makes em. You can get the short metal 203 barrel from Den Trinity.
101st Airborne Troops in afganistan, This was later in op Annaconda, you can see these guys were getting exhausted, this is an actual combat shot.
Great example of how delta and airforce SF get to paint their guns. He even painted his ACOG... OUCH!!! $$$$$