One of the things thats going to set TEAM CIFOR  apart from the others is a mostly standardized kit. (uniforms and equiment will be generally the  same for everyone).  I know thats not cool with some players, but that's what this team is about. This does not mean we have to look the same at every event, but each member should appreciate our goal. There lots of teams out there you can join, so just go somewhere else if you dont click with this.
Obviously because the team has just started out, we have yet to agree on the standard kit. So,  I have chosen instead to list my load out, which will probably be similar to the one we decide on. (basically it takes all the good stuf from the current US-ARMY kit).  Im not trying to sound intimidating here. Each player needs a set of BDUs, A US Government LBV and pistol belt, Thats it!! Seems simple enough, now as u accumilate more gear here's what u should get, its all avalible cheap at most local surplus stores. Email me if you need help finding something.
My M4a1 (ar15a3 tactical carbine) With 3 point sling, and mag-puls. The scope is made by marui. I use 12 volt systema batteries and an m100 spring. I highly recomend mag-puls it makes a huge differnce. Because we are portraying an elite unit, there will be no restrictions on types of weapons. Use what you feel you are best with.
My complete combat kit, this is for out in the feild non-CQB. from left to right on the belt. M9 berreta pistol, M9 Phrobis 3 bayonette, Canteen, M9 magazines, and triple mag pouch.
close up of my M-9, the holster, the retensoin lanyard, and the spare mag pouch.
2 picts of the M9 Phrobis 3 bayonette, very modular, a milion uses, I think this is the best bayonette ever.  By the way, dont bother with the copies, they cost just as much as the original even though they are of very poor quality.
Next we have Kevlar helmets, they look very cool, but because of their cost, we probably wont require them. Those plastic copies you see for $25 are horrible, they sit way too high on a normal size head. Looks fine on Small (young, pre 16) people tho.
No-mex gloves are great, its what the real guys use, but they can get hot in the summer.
Altima tac boots are cheap and very availible, I recomend them.
Knee pads are availible in a million variations, Ive seen special forces use these, which are availible at places like home depot.
LBVs come in many variations. The Genuine US military ones are made very well, but they dont hold as many mags as the airsoft intended copies.  The 2nd version LBV has the mags better positioned, however the pouches are even tighter, this lbv can really only hold 4 mags practically, as you see in the pictures, it makes sense to carry more mags on your pistol belt.  My friends in the US-armed forces do this.