Hello! And welcome to my Star Trek: Voyager web site. Back in '97, I started watching Voyager off and on. When I finally got on the web and found a whole new world of fanfic out there, I decided to try my own hand at writing. Afterall, I'd been contriving stories since middle school and Star Trek was just another realm to add my fingerprints to, right? Well, here's my "digital fingerprint" - if you want to call it that. Maybe fingerprint isn't such a good word because, unlike your real prints, this site seems to be undergoing constant change. (Which, in a virtual world probably isn't all that bad.)
I started out as a site only consisting of one short story (which can still be found under my fanfic) and a short list of four other stories I was planning on writing. Then I got this completely "new and original" idea -- what about a page of links?? So, I added it. The Christmas Contest followed just in time for the holiday season of 1998 and I think it was the following summer before the Episode Trivia made its grand appearance. Now, I'm in the process of creating a Multimedia section (in addition to maintaining a growing collection of original fanfic), so check back often!