Greetings! I am Steven and you have stumbled upon my website.
Any questions, concerns, and/or comments, please email me at
Some changes are in the works here. First of all, a couple of new pages are in the works. I've been forced to change e-mail addresses, so I'm planning a memorial page for my old one. I'm also adding a section for my most recent obsession, anime. I'm planning some short comments/reviews, as well as lyrics. And finally...the first part of Dragon Tale III should be online fairly soon. Actually I have a version uploaded, but it's so buggy, I wouldn't dare link to it. ETA? Haven't a clue...A week maybe. It's been eight months since the last update. What's another week?

Dragon Tale III

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Page last updated 15 June, 2002
Previously updated 12 October, 2001
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