Cypherion Ramblings
This is where I get to babble and ramble about anything I like.
This page is where I'm gonna speak about everything and anything that comes to mind. On here are links to my friend's own pages, my favorite sites, and reviews and ramblings about whatever's been going on lately. Ten-to-one, this is going to be the most updated of all my pages. And though i'll keep it to a minimum, I'm not gonna be doing too much role-play rambling in here. Though that sounds like a cool guestbook title. Later.
Links to other sites on the Web
Dominion The home of the dominion
White-Wolf.Com Webhome of the people who make Vampire:The Masquerade and Werewolf:The Apocalypse
Search.Com One of the best search engines on the net
Movies.Com Second to none in finding out about movies, and I mean everything
Geocities the patrons of my fine site
www."this space for rent."com"; this slot is for when my friend Larry gets his site up and running. Needless to say, it may be awhile
I will ramble and ramble, and it will probably have no meaning, but I had fun doing this. And i think my friends may enjoy it. So, until I see you in the funny pages--TTFN.
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