One of the greatest RPGs of all time, Final Fantasy VIII has some smooth gameplay and seemless CGI sequences that are enhanced by a cool cast of characters.  And in my eyes, one character stands above all the rest:
Why Quistis is cool:  She's smart (an 18 year old SeeD instructor that can learn enemy skills and who happens to be the "King of Cards"), she's tough (see the accompaning picture), she's cool under pressure, and is always rational.
Besides, if she were a real person, everybody would want to be her friend (unless they're jerks like Siefer and his cronies).  It's no wonder there are so many Trepies.  I guess this page makes me a Trepie, too.  COOL!
More about Quistis and her fellow SeeDs.
If you're dying to see more, check out John Bielik's Final Fantasy page.
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