FemmeFatale Home
Femme Fatale Home



Vampi Art


Vampi's Links
Official Vampirella Site!--This is the official Vampirella site! You'll find contests, pictures, news and you can buy all the comics you've missed out on. This is your main Vampi connection!
Vampirella's Domain --Scott Stockwell's Vampirella sites, one of the best Vampi sites on the web!.
Dark Romance Magazine--More Femme Fatale images and stories.

Realm of Oblivion-- More Vampirella images and info. Good stuff!

Bob Gherardi Studio-- Excellent illustration and more Vampirella images.

Vampirella2 -- Great Vampi fan site. Lots of good stuff!.

Satyr & Circe-- Vampirella Models! Pictures and good info. Be sure to check out the Amanda Conner interview. She has wit and talent!

Brinke Stevens Fan Club-- Brinke Stevens is the Queen of Femme Fatale, but don't let that fool you. She's intelligent and so 'darn' nice, and yes, she's even dressed up as Vampi.

Vampirellas Bracelets

Site is owned by Paul

Want to join Vampirellas Bracelets?

Hagwood Interactive
All images © Paul Hagwood. If you would like to use any of the images you see here, write to hagwood2@mindspring.com. Vampirella is © Harris Comics.