14, June, 1999
This Day
the Tiki Family
has Lost one of its Own.

A person's life cannot be summed up
in a few words,
but words are all we have
when someone is gone.
And the memories.
Nakita was my dear friend,
as close as any I have ever had.
I loved her dearly.
She was devoted mother to Erica,
wife to Daniel.
She was best friend to Gail.
Her life was devoted to others.
She was a nurse and had just
made "I.V. Team" before the illness struck again.
She was justly
proud of having made that team.
As in everything she worked hard to achieve it.
She loved deeply and well.
We loved her with equal depth and caring.
At the close of a life these are not
small compliments.
I hope I
do as well.
She had spunk. She fought back.
Finally the cancer overwhelmed
her body,
but it never got her soul.
I know.
She is here in my heart.
And she could raise hell with the best of us.
Quick on her feet, she
was even quicker with
a cute retort.
She handled each situation with
incredible grace.
She was a real "Tiki Goddess".
There are those
who will know what I mean.
For others, coming from me, it is high
Oh, Patricia!
We all love you so!
The pain is ours now, but it
will wane in time.
Then, there will be the sweet memories
of one
of the gentlest souls
within one of the finest ladies
I have ever
I love you, Babe.