Welcome to my little world of mixed up stuff. The odds and ends that make webpages wonderful. Please look at these and email me suggestions if you have any, or just wanna compliment me (I'm a big ham with free pics).
Seriously though, please tell me what you think, I like to hear from people.
Basically, when I was redoing this page I asked myself(s):

Lita, Setsuna, Ruth, Celeste, what could I do to make this the
supreme ruler of mange Sailor Moon sites. I needed some-
thing different, that would stand out. Then I thought about all
thoose obsessive things I scribbled down in my science note-
book, other than my plans for world domination. Well, here it is.
The product of TOO MUCH FREE TIME.
A fool-proof plan to convert your whole school into moonies.
You gotta wonder where they got thoose names...