~*~Lyla's Present Life~*~
Since Lyla's official Coronation two years ago, Ryloth has been fortunate enough to experience great periods of peace. The planet has been united and has not experienced a civil war yet. The terrain is no longer a dry, sandy wasteland but a beautiful homeland covered in rich vegetation, exotic flowers, and astounding structures in flattering colors. From space, Ryloth looks like a jewel.
Recent Rylothian News:
The Gamorreans, the irritatingly stubborn, swine-like creatures, have struck again, with devastating results. Two weeks ago they invaded the planet. Lyla, who was vacationing with friends on Tatooine, flew home to put a quick stop to it. However, she was captured despite great protective means by the handmaidens and bodyguards.
Although subjected to unspeakable terrors and tortures, she bravely refused to surrender Ryloth to her captors. On the brink of death, she sent an urgent, encrypted message to a Jedi Knight named Zekk who stormed the palace and set her free.
Most recent news:
Today, exercising her galactic influence, Lyla sent both Jedi and Sith to Ryloth. In an intergalactic first, the opposing sides combined to defeat and drive out the Gamorreans.
Lyla continues to heal grave wounds with the aid of healers and handmaidens in the Mos Espa Cantina of Tatooine. Although fragile and in pain, the Great Queen has sent word that she will return as soon as possible.