~*~Queen Lyla's Past~*~

The majority of the Queen's past is shrouded in mystery, due to her refusal to talk about the unpleasantness of her early years. We have, however, put some pieces together, and the following is what we have determined.
Lyla was born into the cruel world of slavery to human parents. However, even in her early years she was beautiful, and escaped the hard labor of rock mining. Instead, her masters gave her duties of Manor upkeep, allowing her to secretly master many skills invaluable to her future escape: reading, writing, eitquette and protocal, and 18 different languages. Her parents, recognizing her potential, encouraged her to escape. By means still unknown, she did, and made her way to a small, ruthless cantina in the Muldone galaxy. About to be murdered by a bloodthirsty gang, Lyla was rescued by King Sevan, former ruler of Ryloth. At the time, Sevan was in hiding from the citizens of his planet, accused of stealing millions of muls. (1 mul=5 credits) and letting the planet's natural beauty decay.
Lyla, who had offered to be Sevan's servant, convinced the King to return home and make peace with his people. The return was not a welcome one. Sevan faced wild mobs and outbursts of anger. However, Lyla was able to negotiate with the violent Twi'leks, and they accepted the King with his promises of reform.
In exchange for this great accomplishment, Sevan adopted Lyla into the species and into his family, freeing her of the obligations she had to him. With her powerful new status as the King's daughter she was able to free her parents and send them back to their home planet. She immersed herself in Twi'lek culture, sharing meals with local families, working to unite the species, and increase the pride of Ryloth. For her efforts, she was appointed Empress, one of the five members of an all-ruling council.
Her work did not stop there. As Empress, she was more active than any other council member, cultivating, landscaping, and building architectural masterpieces until the beauty of Ryloth rivaled that of Naboo.
Upon Sevan's death, an election was held to fill his place. Lyla became Queen with an alarming amount of votes and love from her people. To date, she is the most powerful and productive central ruler that Ryloth has ever seen.