
As you know... I go around searching for "The Star of the Spirit" and get so excited when I discover my own special "stars" to put in my net.
Here is where I put my own gift to these special "stars"... in case the email they use cannot accept graphics.

If you have earned the right... please take my gift of which ever one applies to you... and thank you for allowing me to see the beauty of your "home" and sharing the Spirit with me!

Now.. first off... the one for a New Spirit... my welcome to you.
#1..width="246" height="246" ..... #2... width="260" height="360"
Please, feel free to take either or both.. I don't mind... *s*


Now... this is my gift for the Spirit of the Week!

width="248" height="248"


Here is my gift for the Fairy of the Week!

width="237" height="266"


And here is my gift for Wee One of the Week!

width="224" height="273"


This is for The Most Spirited Fighter of the Week!

width="237" height="237"

This is for the Featured Spirit of the Week!

Featured Spirit
width="260" height="237"


Congratulations to all!

I hope you enjoy my gifts to you... it was such a pleasure to make them for you and to be able to visit your site! Thank you... ~DStarCatcher~


Thanks for your continued support.
If you enjoy the Site Fights and believe in what we stand for
DChamps Logo
Please....display this Gif to help spread the word.

<bgsound src="sounds/wishstar.mid" loop=infinite>