[17:28] - 26/01/2002
damn, my actually server was homex.coolconnect.com but
now i've change to geocities, coz that homex the ftp
something wrong, i cannot even login, keep on prompting
invalid username, haiyah.. now so bored, i think i think of
somewhere where to go...
[10:40] - 26/01/2002
haiz, today im suppose to be in school, having c programming
class. it starts at 10am in the morning but then i decided not
to come for the class and went back to bed again. these pass
few days i've been like so lazy, skipped classes and in the
end i only came for only one lesson per day. uhmmmm i think
next week im gonna be a change person. i want to make a
a resolution that for the whole of next week, i 'll be attending
for all the lessons.. ermmm i think i try for a week lah
besides, no harm will do if i come for every lesson. and also
be abit early lar... haiz just woke up, and ok lah, im off
have my breakfast, TOSEI !!! after that bath, after that i think
i wanna go out, if my mood is good lah.... oklah ciao gtg !
[02:46] - 26/01/2002
welcome to my homepage. this is my first blog on the site and
now, its much more easier to update my blogs and
files with my new system that ive invented. it is called ircBLOG
which mainly written using mirc scripts and some dos commands
bloggin never ever been so easy in my entire life before and
im now improving this new version of ircBLOG. the website
ircblog.cjb.net is already registered coz im letting the source code
out. so its source code free to all!!! yahooo.. ok lah peeps,
i think i got to go to bed right now. nite2