Okay...now for the real down and dirty...my views.  I'm a peaceful person, but I do have this respect and like of the martial arts...AND I'm in the Army.  Go figure.
Wait...I won't get going like this, so let's just break this down.
I'm a STRONG believer in true love.  But the key word to true love isn't love...it's true.  Most people let things get messed up because they aren't honest about how they really feel.  I'm not saying that people intend to get hurt.  What I AM saying is that people question too often how they feel about people, if they can live with certain flaws in people, and if anything's their fault.
Well...in true love, you don't question.  You just know it's right.  If you're honest in what you think about this person, then you don't run the risk of ending up with someone who'll sour your heart.  If something about this person doesn't suit you, don't get used to it.  Accept that that person isn't the one and end it peacefully.  That simple.  I'm not saying it's simple to live with, but it does take away alot of pain in your life.  And whether it's your fault or not is irrelevant.
However, if you're already married ... at least give it a chance and some real one-on-one conversation before you call it quits.  Maybe you just didn't think of something.
Infidelity: I understand infidelity pretty well...how it really works.  Basically, people see something that interests them, and depending on the person they react depending on their personalities and natures.  If they're sexually attracted, they're sexually reactant.  Married or single, what pleases the eye pleases the person in different ways.  The question is:  Do you really need it?
Want only becomes need when you obsess over it, really.  If you're not satisfied with what you want, you look for other things.  And once you've reacted to what visually pleases you, you can do one of two things:
1) Act on it, in which case things get ugly.
2) Let it go, in which case you sit around, unsatisfied, wondering what it would've been like.  In that case, something inside of you dies because you don't have what you want.
So what am I saying?  1 or 2?  I say neither.  I say if you're not satisfied, then end it, because you're with the wrong person. 
Well, at LEAST talk about it first.  Find out why you're unsatisifed.  If you can't reach the right conclusions, then end it.  It can be done peacefully.  Most people don't see it that way because it hurts.  But if you understand and rise above the hurt, you can part peacefully and even become great friends.
I've had a serious case against alcohol since I was 11, and I don't see it ever ending.  So I'll be up front about this too...I'm not comfortable around people when they're drinking.  Be a drinker, fine...I just don't want to be around when you ARE.
I just don't see the NEED for it, when you've got life.  It's not like you HAVE to have it in order to have a good time.  And I don't see the need to do something that will impair my judgment.
Now it has recently been argued with me that people just do it because they like to and I shouldn't judge.  Well, first off I don't judge, I simply see.  I see that people are hiding behind this thing that breaks down their normal fear barriers.  I see that they can do that all by themselves, yet they are a bit too weak to do that...or too scared to acknowledge their strength in that department.  And second, it cheapens the value of sex.  Why you ask?  Simple...because they will screw anything that talks nice to them at that intoxicated moment.  I've found that the most erotic part of sex is that someone actually CHOSE YOU for it...and when you've got someone intoxicated, you'll never really know if it was them wanting you or their alcohol content just wanting fun.  Don't you think?
If you don't agree with me, then I'm sorry, but too bad...this is how I feel.  I am just not comfortable around alcohol.
Click here to see full-size.
Homosexuality: I really have no problem with it.  Let them do what they want to do as long as they're happy.  The point is being happy, right?  Do what makes you happy--just know what it is that makes you happy first.  I could hang out with gay people, so long as they don't hit on me.  I've given men thought....alot of thought.  You gotta give things thought before you truly know what it is you want, right?  I just find that I'm not attracted to men.  The physical feeling is the same...it's all in what the person knows.  Then it comes down to what you're attracted to.  I just know that I'm not attracted to men.  That's just me.  So guys, please respect my wishes when I ask you not to hit on me.  I'm not closeminded, it's just not for me.  That simple.
But the aspect of love in same-sex, here's the real truth:  it's the PERSON you fall in love with.
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