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Since the dawn of time, all beasts have pondered the mystery of their existence. You are no exception. Don't feel guilty...there is no crime in wonder. You are all welcome to learn the source. But be careful how much you learn. After all, most people don't like change...most even fear it. And, whether you believe what you read or not, this is something that will change your life...forever! | ||||||
Ever wonder why God is such a powerful, loving being...and at the same time a jealous, egomaniacal tyrant with only one law--His? Think God looks like a thickly-beared white male? Do you really think that God would end the world? And even if you do, do you think He'd use methods as petty as plague and fire, when He is capable of so much more with such power? And do you think for one second that free will was just some thing that God did just for the hell of it, without even thinking about it? A practical joke, even? |
If you think you can handle it, read on. If not, go back home. | ||||||
Now, let me answer your questions. I, Amon, one of the first beings ever created, will tell my story the way I have seen, heard and lived it. | ||||||
First of all, God is the first and most supreme being, but God adjusts just like all God's Creations. Yes, God knows everything, but that's knowledge, not time. Time is a completely different entity. Anyway, I've always seen God as everything good and wise, and I've been around long enough to support this claim. God is no egomaniac. God is not jealous. How is it people say that God is jealous AND forgiving? Not possible, unless you're insane! And I've never known God to be insane. Think about it. |
Second--God is, has always been, and WILL ALWAYS BE whatever God wants to be. Who are we, as ANY of God's creations, to dictate God's form? And I'm sure you've noticed by now that after I got through the paragraph of normal thinking that I've stopped using pronouns when speaking of our Father, Creator & Master. I grant you, we call God Father...and that is the only genderistic term we use. Hey--we're just used to it. But God comes to us in many forms, whichever God wishes. God COULD be a woman...of ANY color! Face it--by whatever name you refer--God's whatever God wants to be. Moreover, did it ever occur that it really isn't important to know? Hm...maybe that's why you don't see God. Besides not knowing how to look, ever think that faith is your ultimate lesson? |
Third, whether God would end this world or not is irrelevant. This isn't the only world there is, and therefore the end of this world isn't the end of all things. But much to the surprise of all of you, it isn't God's decision. Well...not yet, anyway. But we'll go into that later. As for if...IF God ended the world, God could simply separate every fiber--or atom, as humans refer to it--in its being until it is gone. Disintegration. God needs not resort to Earth's elements. And as we'll cover, neither would I. It's far beneath us. |
And then there's free will. The ultimate gag of the planet, as your Al Pacino referred to it. Devil's Advocate...what a movie. Couldn't have said it better myself if I didn't know better. But...I'm not the Devil. And that's something else we'll cover later. And as for free will, it is surely not just a gag OR a coincidence. So what is it you ask? Well, it's a very long story. | ||||||
And to learn of it, you'll have to brave a lot more than you may be ready for. Can you handle that? | ||||||
If you think you can stomach it, click here. | ||||||
If not, well....you do the math. | ||||||