Welcome to Mythran! Elven Kingdom and E-mail Role Playing Game. In creating this mystical world we provide you the ability to be something more than a dragon rider, peasant, or star trek character. Another addition to the write's unlimited practice at fantasy writing and role playing. Mythran is here with few restraining rules and a chance to be something such as an Elven Lord or Lady, A Fairy, Mountain Gnomes, Pixies, or perhaps a RiverMer, Dragon, Gryphon, or Dragon/GryphonMaster! Your choice! Do come and join us and add to the wonderful gaming this club provides!
~*IMPORTANT*~ You MUST Join the list below, AFTER you have filled out a character sheet and sent it in, to Recieve the latest information about the site and the posts everyone sends out! In the blank below fill in the address you WANT THE POSTS SENT TO, don't put in an address that will be cluttered with our mails and will become an annoyance. When you want to post use the e-mail account you signed up to the listbot, sending your mails to this e-mail address:
And Everyone in the club will recieve them. Thank You!
- We have a banner! it was made by ME(Josie) *bows* thank you.. :) Feel free to use it!!