This is where I collect the links to articles on the web that I find the most interesting. I try to make it a policy to give credit to the writers in the link itself. I also am attemting to (slowly) "novel-ize" the campaign my current RPG group in undergoing right now.
Travelogues of Students
Here it is, the story of my group. I hope to post stats on the characters sometime, minus any little secrets they want to hold back. In the meantime, enjoy the story.
The Beginning
Finding the Balance
Clan Letters
For the purpose of brevity, I am trying to find links to sites that have all the letters on one page, preferably from a site devoted to that clan. If you know of one better than what I've found, tell me. I'd love to find letters with comments from the site manager.
Fan Fiction
An interesting document written by a stranded gaijin can be deciphered if you know the key. Kudos to Jeff Alexander for maintaining it while it is so... faded.
Read here.
History of Rokugan
Here it is, the best summarization of the story of the Clan Wars starting from the Scorpion Clan Coup all the way to the Day of Thunder. Many thanks to John Wick for masterminding this epic and to Jeff Alexander who posted this on the Usenet for all of us to enjoy. You guys are great.
Read it.
Other Interesting Links
Visit my friend Don (Quixote) Eisele's
card search generator, the search engine so complete that AEG mirrored it. He's just updated it and needs some testing done still. If you have any questions, problems or kudos,
e-mail him.
Now for your name-making pleasure, the original Japanese to English
translator page!