Free Graphics Providers

The following sites provided graphics for this web site. So that you can see where a specific graphic came from, the details are stated next to the link:

CCF Minis Graphics This site has lots of animated gifs that are free if you link to the webmaster's page.

Bits O' Horses Bits O' Horses has a lot of horse clipart, and is updated regularly.

Many different backgrounds, which are free for the placement of this button on your site. In addition, it has buttons, bars, and bullets.

Find many animated gifs, but don't forget to link back.

Animations, plus HTML guides, and internet code-crackers!

Great links

Double H Quarter Horses

Heaven and Earth A wondeful site with great graphics, about the anime, Tenchi Muyo! Features sounds, profiles, video information and fan info.

Web of the Fates Extremely diverse site that includes philosophy, myths, poetry, and deep thoughts. Oh, and and pokemon too. Also home to the TMNT fanfic archive.

Cartoon Over-analyzations Comprises hundreds of theories about animation, such as the real reason why Bugs Bunny loved dressing in women's clothing so much.

Yesterdayland For all those childhood (or adulthood) memories. Contains much information on obscure cartoons.

C*E*A* The Center for the Easily Amused. But it will amuse you if you're cynical too.

Movie Bloopers Comprehensive index of all the movie mistakes that ever irked you. Plus a few that didn't.

Animal Planet From the TV channel of the same name, an amazing wifelife site.

World Wildlife Fund The famous wildlife charity. Although I personally prefer some of the other organisations, this is widely promoted, and so any publicity for animal welfare is wonderful.