Don't go and lose your face
at some stranger's place..

Amazing grace in here
I'd pay to have you near.

Come back to me awhile

"I'm just out to find the better part of me "

Safe behind those gleaming cymbals and intrinsic drums, a barrier of sound was created


And leaving the percussionist to his own abaft his bandmates: The tall Nordic musician, and the incorrigable Pixie Rocker.

Charming and witty.. genial and polite. An under current of mischieviousness flowing freely.

Such was the demeanor of the Brit.

He was the one who tended to be the "grounding" force within the group that made up the three-headed-beast known as Placebo, for the most part rather level-headed. And that "Mr. Debonair" image he seemed to exude was only heightened by that rich, distinctly British accent that danced throughout patterns of speech.

James Bond?
Not quite..

Boyish features sculpted of peaches & cream drozzled with golden honey constituted the drummer's visage. Eyes were of earthen color, mocha spliced with shards of lighter sienna and times appearing to be flecked with bits of gold.

Lengthy tresses were of undefinable color, tenebrous under any playing of light. Charcoal slathered with sienna, or even mohogany curtailed, treading a predominately un-even path down the curvature of that pallid honey slathered jaw.
A charming Yet mischievious grin splayed across lush tiers of pallid rose flayed apricot, movement just enough to give subtle rise to that button nose, and further definition to those darling dimples.

One-hundred watt smile?
You could light the whole of NYC with that thing.

Self-taught, and always the avid musician..
He simply could not function without being able to play.

"This is the man who wants to be black - every soundcheck, the drumbeat to 'sexy motherfucker' is there...Steve plays with his body. He doesn't think about it, it just flows out. From his big black cock."

-Brian Molko

"Steve is sex. We have so much more sexual energy now, so much more fluidity, that solid, thumping groove thing. He's freed us up, the way we can create." -Stefan

Name: Steven James Hewitt

Nicknames: Steve, Stevie.."Teddy", "Beanie", Stevie-Beanie.. ect.

Birthdate/Place : March 22nd, 1972, Manchester, UK

Height: Roughly 5'9"

Occupation: Musician, "Beat-Keeper" , Baby( Molko)sitter...

Status: Ambiguously Bound to two.

"I've been in a lot of bands in the last 10 years, and Placebo definitely has a weird vibe going on ... But it's very natural. Nothing forced about it."

"We're definitely up for world domination "


Through the years I've grown to love you
Though your commitment to most would offend
But I stuck by you holding on with my foolish pride
Waiting for you to give in..
You never really tried or so it seems
I've had much more than myself to blame
I've had enough of trying everything..
and this time it is the end..
There's no more coming back this way
The path is overgrown and strewn with thorns
They've torn the lifeblood from your naked eyes..
..cast aside to be forlorn....

"Funny how it seems that all I've tried to do seems to make no difference to you"



And I fear I have nothing to give
But have so much to lose


- Mun Junk-
RPG Profile peoples, I have nothing at all to do with the band Placebo, nor it's drummer..Steve Hewitt. This is all make believe. I do not take credit for anything on this page that does not belong to me, so on and so forth. That includes borrowed lyrics and pictures.
Maturity= MUST
And of course, as always IM RP is welcomed.
Openings are available for new SL's and such.
Question or comments?
Mail Me.


I miss the little things,Oh I miss everyhing


-Further Reading-

Holy Trinity--Three Pointed Star
Nancy Boy: A Shrine to Steven Hewitt
Role-Play Main

Borke 2oo1