"Admi' it.. You think I'm gorgeous.. You wanna kiss me.. You wanna date me! An' then ge' married! "

"Ok, I'll admit it...I think you're jus' smashing an' I wanna date you, an' kiss you, an' marry you."

"You know... I wonder why people put up with me."

"Some people put up with you because they like you...Like your friends for example, if I didn't like you would I be hanging 'round here? No--ooo, probably not."

"This is so no' righ'. I am no' a submissive. I 'ave t'be on top if we're gonna do this, Steve"

"Think you're f*ckin' cute, don' you?"

"Yea, yea...I know..'M a sexy bitch..I don' need anyone to state th'obvious"

"Bloody 'ell.. I think I jus' ...fuckin' pissed meself.."

"Y'know, Brian...You really should wear shoes, God knows what kinds of things you could step on....Like what if
you stepped in a pile of shit or something? But you'd change your mind 'bout not wearing shoes then... "
" I wear shoes. You just don't see. I used to wear stilhettos religiously... until one of 'em broke while I was hooking... "

" I moved..closer, now what? "
"Oh god! Oh the orgasmic pleasure of your close proximity! "

"Jesus, man...Chill ou' I said tha' I wouldn't let go, 'M not going t'drop you..!"


" Oh deary me.. All this unneccesary alco'ol is gonna stunt m'seed production."

"We could make 'im pee 'is wankin' trousers, we could!"
"That'd be....Kinda funny, I don' think I've ever seen him
do tha'. "

"Probably because 'e never wears trousers.."

"We just can't be separated... ! We're a three-headed monster....And the world needs us...!"
"I wanna.. be in these moments for th'rest of me life..I really do.."
" Yea'...I can hear th' music now.."

"If something happened to you, Stef an' I be pretty miserable....Promise me you won't walk on glass or anything again? "

"No... no more... walking on glass.."

Time Keeping Teddy

Pixie Paramour

Cadbury Mummy

Come Home

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