
Optional Rules to MAGIC-The GatheringTM

Made for Bree Drinkingguild

In the game Magic-The Gathering, you are a wizard, dueling with one or more wizards. You draw your power from the land you aquire during the game, the so-called MANA.

But have you ever thought about how you gain this power from the land. It is not just for the taking. To use magic, you need to become one with the Earth-magic. To do that you you will need a medium to channel this power. You will have to feel the power run through you, and forget yourself. What is better to do that than Alcohol, and in suffient amounts. So every time you tap a land, you will have to drink a sip of your beer, or else you'll suffer MANA-burn. MANA from magical objects and creatures are not included.

Using magic isn't free, it always extracts a cost, in this case, you will after some time, begin to have trouble concentrating and might do stupid things (it could also give you a substantial hangover). Fortunately your adversary will probably have the same problem, depending on his constitution score.

In a liter of beer there are 30 MANA, a Pint 15, a 33 cl bottle/Can 10. If you drink more during the game, you DONT suffer MANA-burn.

By Kim Hansen

Morgoth created Budweiser as a mockery of Beer

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Updated 8/11 2001

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