Chapter 1:

The sky lay steadily over the city of Zen. Its night sky brought shine to the elegance and wonder of the city in the clouds. The silent humming of the engines played the music of the city as it glided through the moonlit sky. The stars seemed to brighten when the city neared its glorious light. The air was crisp and chilly, ever so peaceful and still.

Over looking the city of Zen was Cloud Palace, the majestic home to Zen's mighty elven king, Zen XIII. His palace is the envy of every king in the known world. With its golden domes and strong walls, the palace is the center masterpiece of the city. The towers stand firm inside the walls and are embroidered with small gemstones and crystals. A man could make a fortune just by taking one of those stones. The people of Zen believe that the palace was magically formed. However, the people don't really care. As the city flows through the sky, so does the city's prosperity. Zen is the one of the biggest trading ports in the sky. People such as humans, elves and dryads come from all over the globe to trade and make their fortunes in Zen.

That is the reason why Zakk came to Zen in the first place. Zakk was not from Zen or any other city in the Auran kingdom. He was a Drow knight of the Drow Empire. Zakk had always disliked his people's culture. He felt it didn't make any sense at all. Worshiping a god that never existed and no free thought made him run away to Zen. Zakk had heard Zen could provide opportunities for him and freedom as well. He disobeyed his parents and shamed his family but Zakk didn't care. He was free from the bounds of traditions and rituals. Zakk was free. Still, even though Zakk never believed in it, he still used Drow magic.

Zakk started to watch the city drift towards the coast from one of the watch tower's platform in the palace as he turned to his timer. "Late again!", Zakk thought to himself, "Doesn't this guy show up on time!"

Its been three years since Zakk got his job in the palace. After a year of exemplary service to his majesty, Zakk was promoted to captain of the guards. However, even the promotion couldn't take him out of night shaft duty. "Besides," Zakk told himself, "Who's dumb enough to attack this damn palace anyway?"

After a couple of minutes, Zakk felt a tap on the shoulder that made him turn around. He saw one of the Aura knights standing behind him. "Your shaft is done, cap," he said to Zakk.

"Its about time. What took you so long?"

"Coshe called in sick. I'm filling in for him."

"Coshe, that lazy bum. I'll talk to him later." Zakk saluted at the knight as Zakk was about to walk away for a good nights rest.

"Excuse me, sir," the knight said.

"What is it now?" Zakk said angrily.

"What's that thing in the sky?" he said, pointing to the sky.

Zakk lifted his head towards the night sky to see a bright light shining. As Zakk watched more carefully, the light started to become bigger and bigger. Its large red glow nearly blinded Zakk. The gleam made it difficult for Zakk and the knight to make out what it was.

Suddenly, Zakk said, "Look out!" He dragged the knight away from the platform. The object pummeled into the watch tower and through the platform, making a large crushing sound. Zakk and the knight walked back to the platform to find a hole running through it. From the hole, the knight saw a dragon like shape busting in flames. He could hear its cackling noise from the ground.

"I don't get it," the knight said, "I thought the dragons are extinct, cap."

Zakk, who also saw the dragon shape, barked to the knight, "Go get help!" he said. The knight was still stunned from looking at the flames from below. "Don't just stand there," Zakk scolded to him, "Move!"

The knight heard him the second time and dashed away. When he was out of sight, Zakk peered into the burned hole on the platform. "It couldn't have been a dragon, could it?" Zakk thought to himself, as a chill rendered his spine. He had never seen a dragon but has heard of them. "Well, whatever it is, I fear the worse is yet to come."

The ashes of the machine lay waste on the ground. The flames were snuffed out but the smell of smoke still clouded the air. The kingdom's best alchemists and rune casters were brought to study and examine the machine but they could not identify the mechanical object. It resembled a dragon, with its razor wings and sharp, cold claws that once graced the most powerful being in the world.

The people were puzzled and, surprisingly, afraid. Whatever brought in this menace would surely be able to destroy their city to ruins. Rumors have already spread throughout the city. Some say the dragon is of a spiritual sign. Others believe they are at war. However, the rumor that seems to be valid is the dragon comes from Draig, the former kingdom of these ancient creatures.

Old scriptures of Eden told of a war where dragons attempted to invade the Aura, Tidal, Drow and Sylvan civilizations over a millennia ago. It took the powers of each kingdom to unite in order to slay all the dragons. Even with that, their powers barely prevailed. Now, the great powers of the ancient lay dormant. Many have tried to achieve the powers through the remaining scriptures of the past. All trained in runes have tried, all have failed.

With this new threat, King Zen XIII watches the market place from a window looking over in his throne room. He was getting old and no heir to name. Zen XIII stroked his white beard steadily as he watched the people talk and bargain through the market, spreading rumors and gossip here and there. The reflection from the window of the sun grace the room with its light. Covering the glare with his hand, he glanced at the sky and followed the clouds as they passed through the window. His endless staring made him not notice the three people who had just walked in.

"You summoned us, my lord," said an elf with a Sylvan accent. The tan-skinned Sylvan was Dalion, an ambassador from his kingdom and Sylvan knight. Dalion was born into diplomacy, taught by his parents and taken along with them during their daily trips around the world. Loyal at heart, he's been a welcome member of Sylvan since he was five.

The girl to Dalion's right was Lilmis, King Zen's bodyguard and aura summoner. She has recently graduated from the Auran Academy where they teach youths such as Lilmis to harness their innate magic applies. Having innate rune energy means they don't need to absorb energies like other rune casters for it is within them. Innate energies can be recharged from within. However, the energy out take can wear them down. Also, innate applies are to strong to be controlled by mere thought. Instead, summoners need inanimate objects, like tattoos and statures, to control their power. Lilmis is not proud of the markings and tattoos on her body and conceals them under her garments. With her beautiful ebony hair, her radiance and charm is known throughout the kingdom.

To Dalion's left was Zakk, captain of the guards and Drow knight. When King Zen first hired him, he was a bit weary. However, after a year of service, Zakk has proven himself worthy and true to the king. King Zen would never trust anyone better with his life than him. Knights such as Dalion and Zakk, cannot take in rune energies. Instead, their rune powers are concentrated in power crystals. Only elves and some half elves can truly absorb rune energies without dying.

"Yes," King Zen answered, "yes, I did." He turned away from the window and towards his throne. "I need a rest," he whispered. King Zen gently slid into his seat on the throne. The others followed and stood in front of the throne.

"Is something the matter, your majesty?" Lilmis asked.

"Not really, just a little tired," he replied, "This old body won't last forever you know." The king cackled a little and continued, "As you well know, there was a ...... disturbance last night. We investigated since it came to our attention and we still can't figure it out. The people are afraid. Some believe this is the beginning of war." He paused for a breath, rethink his conversation. "We have been in peace for over 7000 years. I'm not going to let my city fall because of some dumb machine."

King Zen waved his hand to his guards at the entrance and they left the room. When they returned, they brought with them the dragon machine. The guards laid it in front of the throne and returned to their posts. "This thing is said to be from Draig, the former home of the dragons. I've summoned you because I want you to investigate in Draig and report back on what you see."

"But sire," Zakk said, "Going to Draig is dangerous, only an idiot enters that wasteland. Who knows what the hell's in there?"

"I'm afraid I must concur with Zakk with this one, your majesty," agreed Dalion, "I've never been there and we really don't know what we're up against."

"What are you two worried about?" Lilmis teased, "You guys aren't scared?"

"Scared?" Dalion exclaimed.

"Ha!" Zakk said, "You wish!"

"Please," King Zen interrupted, "calm yourselves. I understand your concerns. This is a mission to ease the people, not spur another war."

"But," Dalion asked, "How are we to enter the country alone and unnoticed?"

"Who said anything about alone?" the king responded. "You may bring them in," he said to the guards at the door.

One of the guards made a gesture, signaling someone to come in from outside the throne room. Footsteps echoed into the throne room. The three turned to the entrance to see who was entering the room. There, shadowy six figures walked into the bright room. The light of the window drenched them so that Zakk, Dalion and Lilmis could see who these strangers were.

The first to walk in was easily identifiable. He was a gnome, the once subservient race to the ancient dragons. Thousands of years ago, dragon experimented with technology on humans, in order to make them their superior work force and hard to kill. The result was a cybernetic human who was strong, obedient and deadly. Without conscience or state of mind, gnomes, as well as all machinery in Draig, were linked to main computers or what gnomes call "Mother." It is very hard to find such a creature free from its bounds and even harder to escape it. They are not all human and not all cyber optics, they are gnomes.

This gnome seemed very exceptional. He is implanted with a cross hair eye tracker on his right eye. An indestructible neck brace prevents neck injuries as energy tubes ran around his body. The gnome wears a chest plate and wires run from it to his shoulder plates. A damaged hypo-link, which links the gnome to the main computers, explains his freedom.

After the gnome enters the room, the hallway is graced with a dim yellow light with the entrance of an azur. The azurs, a peaceful yet stubborn race who only meddle in their own affairs rather than dwell in humanoid "follies". They stand about 6 feet tall, a metal skin from head to toe and graced with the bright yellow flames of their plane. The azurs are of another plane of existence but rumors speculate that several tribes have settled somewhere in the world. They're strong physique and hard surface makes them excellent warriors in battle.

The hallway darkened again as a hooded, dark skin elf make his entrance. His appearance makes it obvious he is a Drow rune caster. He bore the self-mutilated tattoos across his face, worn by the rune casters of the Drow culture. Drow casters, like all casters, need to take in rune energy in order to cast spells. However, the absorption of these energies has some side effects. In Drow magic, its the loss of hair, as presented by this Drow elf. His black robe weighs him down, making his walk is slow, almost ghostly. Zakk snares as watches him walk towards him, showing his dislike for the Drow.

After the Drow elf, came three strange figures, all humanoid. One wore a rancher style hat over his disheveled hair and had a pale complexion. A long trench coat hid his two revolvers under his leather belt. Guns are useful at this time yet very rare. They are usually used for sport and game. He started to smile and his canine teeth on his upper jaw was longer than the others. He was a vampire, a race that is more a disease than a specie. The vampires spread their curse throughout the land, only causing ethereal agony to their victims.

To his far left was a human who wore a goatee on his chin. He started to leave the group and venture to investigate one of the guards. He curiously glanced at his steady and expressionless stature. Then, at a sudden moment, he manipulate his form. His nose tuned to a snout as hair (or rather fur) was growing on his body. His clothing started to disappear as his ear grew long and floppy. From his buttocks came a fluffy long tail and his arms and feet grew into paws. He turned to a dog. The guard was startled but continued to keep his straight face by hiding his surprise. The dog walked to the guard, lifts his right hind leg and begins to urinate over the guards feet. Still, the guard stands his ground.

The third man, who has been leading the other two all this time, scolded at the dog, "Jin! Quit fucking around!" The third man seems to be the leader of this ragtag group of fighters. His dress resembles that of an old soldier. However, the patch symbol, on the back of his sleeveless shirt, indicates he is a paladin. Paladins are knights of justice and use arcane magic, a magic similar to rune magic except arcane magic is a natural form of magic where rune magic is unnatural. Arcane magic is ancient and comes from the natural forces of magic. It is a less powerful magic than rune magic but arcane casters, also known as wizards, don't need to absorb energies unlike the rune casters.

Paladins are taught to right the wrongs and search where evil may lurk. They set off to the world with this naïve thought into countries troubled and in chaos. The patch indicates he was from Draig.

The shapeshifter obeyed his leader and reverted to his original form. This strange man was a Genite. The Genites were the powerful warriors of the ancient dragons. They were genetically engineered to manipulate their shape and form. They cannot die of old age or grow old. They were created to serve and only serve the dragons. The Genites, after the war had killed their masters and most of their kind, dispersed. Most became mercenaries and assassins. Their race was as ancient as the dragons themselves. The Genites realize they are powerful, which leads to their arrogant, free spirited ways. This one was of no exception.

After the Genite returned to his humanoid form, he said, "Hey, when you got to go, you got to go." He turns to the guard and points to him, "Besides, the guy was asking for it." The guard anger heightened but refrained to engage with a brawl with the shapeshifter, knowing he would lose.

The six soldiers made their way towards the king. Each one bowed before him, the custom of the people of Zen. The king nodded to them, signaling they may rise again. "Welcome to the kingdom of Zen, Red," the king said to their leader.

Red, their leader, addressed King Zen, "Your majesty, may I introduce my team." He waved his hand toward the gnome on his left and said, "This is Kenti, gnome assassin. The azur behind him is Shobu." He moved his hand towards the vampire on his right, "To my right, is Stallion. The Drow on his right is Wingyu." Red pointed behind him and said, "And this is Jin49, a Genite."

The king, pleased with Red's crew, said, "Thank you, captain. And may I introduce you to my close associates. This is Zakk, Lilmis and Dalion." The three reluctantly bowed to their guests. Then, the king said, "They will be accompanying you on the trip."

His reply caused a stir in the room. Shouts came from all across the room.

"You can't be serious, my lord," Zakk said, "Work with them."

"Your majesty, my team is very capable without your men," Red replied.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Lilmis asked roughly.

"It means," Shobu answered, "You guys suck ass."

Arguments began to be shouted back and forth around the room. The noise level grew louder and louder. Everyone began to argue amongst themselves. Finally the king shouted, "Quiet! All of you." His voice traveled over the noise, causing everyone to be silent.

"Thank you," he replied in a softer voice, "Now, as I was saying, my soldiers will accompany you to Draig as members of your team. They will supervise all actions you and your team do in Draig. However, they will not interfere with your leadership, Red. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your majesty," Red replied humbly.

"What was all that commotion about, father?" asked a voice from outside the room.

Entering the room was the king's daughter, Princess Arra. She was accompanied by her attendants who also serve as bodyguards. On her light brunette hair was her crown with three jewel on them. Her white morning gown shone in the sunlight and her eyes glimmered in the sun. She was embellished with the finest jewelry from all the corners of the globe. Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, all graced the fair princess.

"Daughter!" the king replied, "You know better than to barge in while your father has a meeting."

"I wasn't barging in, Father," she answered, " I was curious of what guests you were entertaining."

"Entertaining? I'm discussing business, dear."

"Fine," she said, settling down a bit, "but would you be polite and introduce me to these strangers?"

"Very well," her father said, "This is Stallion,..." The princess smiled with hostility, noticing he was a vampire.

"Pleased to meet you, madam."

"....Shobu,...." The azur nodded but didn't bow. He never enjoyed the company of authority figures, "....Kenti,...."

"Your Majesty."

"....Wingyu,....." The Drow bowed but never said a word.

".....Jin and finally Red."

Red took the princess by the hand and kissed one of the ring on her fingers. "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, princess."

"The pleasure is all mine, sir knight," she replied, smiling. She then asked the king, "Where are these men go, father?"

"To Draig," he spoke silently.

The princess turn to examine the six warriors. Besides their leader, she seemed suspicious of the strangers. " A gnome, drow, azur and vampire?", she thought to herself, "How can father trust these men."

"What makes you think he has a choice, madam?"

Princess Arra staggered and shivered, "Who said that?" she said, realizing someone had read her mind.

"I did," said a voice behind her. The princess turned to stare at the shapeshifter, Jin49. He pointed to the side of his head, and said, "Telepathic. People get used to it." He chuckles a little while the princess suspiciously, turns back to the king.

"Do you need me to accompany them, father?" she asked.

"No, I have Zakk, Dalion and Lilmis doing that already," King Zen said, trying to protect his daughter."

"Why not? Drew gets to go to Tidal and I don't."

"Because you're too young. How many times I have to tell you that, girl" he lied.

The princess became furious, "I'm always to young! You never let me do anything!" she cried as she stormed out of the throne room. Her attendants quickly followed.

The king watched his daughter leave. He didn't want his daughter to know he was overprotecting her. Zen felt he lost one child, he wasn't about to lose another. The king turned his attention to the others, "I apologize for that," he said, humbly, "Young girls are always like that at this age." The king paused for a moment and went on, "So, Red," he repeated, "Do we have an agreement?"

Red just bowed and answered, "Yes, your majesty." He was hiding the fact his attention was more on the princess then the king.

"Welcome to the Protégé," Jin said, bowing mockingly, moving his hand towards an airship. It was the biggest one in the docking bay. The airship seemed quite rigid, but was battered and rusty. It looked like the ship was in a battle recently. The overhead canopy was scattered of its majestic look and blast holes masked the ship. Some damage in its hull and deck as well as all over the ship. Several of its banners were torn, as its tattered fabric flowed through the incoming wind. The cannons were covered in soot and several were completely demolished. The golden metal that embroidered the sides of the ship and canopy had lost their luster and shine. There the ship sat, looking more like a relic than a battleship.

"You want us to ride in that piece of crap!" Dalion said, pointing to the ship.

"The thing looks like it would collapse when it hits the sky," Lilmis agreed.

"Hey," Stallion barked, "we paid good money for this!"

"Maybe you should get your money back," Zakk answered, bitterly.

"Relax, guys," Red said, as he walked towards the ship, "This is the best ship in the fleet." He gave the hull a gentle hit and a piece of wood fell to the floor.

"More like the best junk ship," Zakk commented, shaking his head.

"Zakk's right," Lilmis said, "the thing is more messed up than he is," as she direction her head to Jin.

"Hey, I'm not messed up," Jin said in denial, "More like disturbed, it sounds better."

Lilmis shook her head, trying to ignore the annoying Genite. Red intervened and said, "Look, the ship's safe. It just needs a bit of repairs."

"I'd like to know your definition of 'a bit'", Dalion said to Red, smiling.

Red replied, "This is why it's always handy to carry a Drow caster with you." He turned behind him and called for Wingyu. "Hey, Wingyu," he called out, "Get busy."

"You got it, cap," he said with a grin. He moved himself in his ghostly steps towards the airship. "You really beat this ship up in the last battle," he said.

"Just do your job," Red ordered, tired of the comments.

The Drow entered the battered ship. His shadowy figure was seen through the blast holes of the ship. He made his way to the top and walked to the side of the ship. Wingyu gave the group a mocking wave from the deck, then made his way towards the back of the ship. He entered into what appeared to be the engine room. A shadow cast in the room pinpointed the very moves of the Drow in the room. He glided his hands over the crystal stone that covered the back of the room. Wingyu shifted his hands toward the crystals and energy darker than ebony was produced. The black energy flowed from his hands and into the crystal.

Without warning, the ship began to renew itself. The once scattered holes over the ship were covered by the growth of the wood panels. The battered banners began to sew itself together. Its cannon were wiped clean of soot and the gold metal over the canopy glittered in shine. The destroyed materials on the ship rebuilt themselves to its original condition. The war-torn ship had renewed itself of its majestic splendor, fresh and ready to fight another battle.

The newcomers stood in awe as the ship pieced together last parts of itself. "Beautiful," Stallion called out to his friend, "Simply beautiful."

The Drow exited the engine room and leaned towards the side of the resurrected ship. "You know, if we keep this up, I'll be known as ship carpenter."

"No, we need a pilot more than we need a carpenter," Jin called to his comrade.

"Hey," Kenti responded, harshly, "What's wrong with my piloting!"

"Exactly," Shobu interrupted, "You can't pilot. When we say left, we don't mean right."

"How the hell was I to know that ship was to ram us!" Kenti said, "It seemed illogical at the time."

"Illogical!" Shobu shouted, "You put our god damn asses on the line because its 'illogical.' Don't talk to me." He turned to Red and said, "I think we need a replacement gnome. This one's defective."

The azur gave the android a sudden hit on the head. Kenti rubbed the burning sensation from the scorching hand of Shobu. When he turned to check his hand, Kenti realized his hand was covered in oil. Kenti was about to react with a bout but declined.

"You didn't have to do that, asshole!" Kenti barked, instead.

"I didn't hit you that hard." Shobu said, challenging the gnome.

Kenti could feel the anger burn in his internal systems. He was about to react without thinking when Red intervened.

"Okay, you two," he said, "Cut it out and get on the ship."

The two realized the others had already boarded the ship already. Kenti gave Shobu a snare as the azur entered the airship. His rage began to cool as his metal legs stepped into the ship. "Here we go again," Kenti thought to himself, recalling all the abuse the ship had taken and all the trouble they've gotten into.

King Zen XIII stood in the middle of the corridor, heading towards his daughter's room. He was looking all through the palace for the girl since her abrupt exit from his meeting. There was darkness in the hallway for many of the candles lay unlit since last night. There wasn't any windows in the corridor except for the one behind the king overlooking the marketplace. Days as king seemed to have worn out Zen. His movement was slowly and lumpy. He used the walls to lean against as he steady walked through the hallway. His robes were heavy and felt loose on the once strong body of the king. His crown, encrusted with the most beautiful jewels in all of Eden, wrapped around the thinning gray hair of the king. King Zen was indeed old, but wise beyond his years.

Zen began to stroke his beard as he made his slow pace towards the door. He remembered the good days of the past. His coronation, marrying his childhood sweetheart, living his rich and festive life. However, times have changed: Zen's wife was dead, his reign as king was about to end, his son running off to the Tidal Empire to study, no heir to name when he died, these were dark times for his majesty. It seemed he has accomplished so much yet felt he has done little to achieve it. His daughter was his last hope to extend his legacy. When Arra was born, Zen thought he would be there for her wedding, when she borne him a grandchild, but, with his life winding down, the king knows he won't be alive to witness his little girl grow up. Zen was trying to hold on to what was left of his past. With his wife dead and son in the Tidal Empire, Zen couldn't bear the fact of being alone in this large palace if his daughter left.

King Zen gave the door a knock and heard no answer. He opened the wooden door and entered the room. The room seemed to brighten into the king's bright blue eyes for the window in front of him was opened. In the room, the princess's jewelry glittered all around the room. Under the king's feet were several colored rugs that felt soft as Zen rubbed his feet against them. He pulled away the white draperies concealing the bed from the light and glanced over the bed. Zen found the blankets folded and pillow fluffed by the princess's handmaidens, left untouched since this morning. The bed was empty and Zen's daughter was nowhere in the room.

"Your majesty?"

King Zen peered towards the entrance. There was one of his Auran guards, standing nervously. The guard wore a long chain mail, with the Auran coat of arms in the front of his outer white garment. The king was known for not only his greatness but his bad temper as well. Zen could feel that his quivering soldier was fearful of the king, indicating he was bringing bad news.

"What is it, lieutenant," he shouted to the guard, impatiently, "Out with it!"

"The...the...the... princess is no where in the palace," he stuttered, "The guards have searched everywhere."

"What do you mean she's not in the palace!" Zen barked angrily, "I want her found! No one shall rest till she's located. Now, get going! Your incompetence bothers me. Go!"

The soldier, frightened by his majesty's temper, ran as fast as he could down the corridor, leaving Zen in the room. The king turned back to the window watching the bright clouds go by. The king reviewed the events of this dark day. The bright sun shone against his pale blue eyes as he said to himself, "What have I done?" as he cried over his daughter's soft bed.

The Protégé's endless grace flew through the sky as if it were another cloud in the sky. Seagulls passed across the window of Stallion's cabin as he watched them go by in his bed. The light of the sun that shone into the room bothered him as he laid there, daydreaming. He reached up and checked the timer on the side of his bed nervously. "Time to take my pills again," he thought to himself.

The vampire sat back up, giving himself a little stretch. He walked towards his dresser and pulled out one of the drawers, searching for his medicine. "Socks, gun, gloves, oh, here it is!" Stallion took out a long syringe and a bottle of blue fluid from the drawer. As he took them out, he took a glance at the mirror. The vampire recognized his very pale reflection and skeletal physique. His eyes glowed rich red color and hair was disarranged due to wearing a hat earlier. He shunted his face to turn away from the mirror's image. Stallion took the syringe from to his bedside. He sat down and stuck the needle into his left shoulder. The vampire then slowly injected the harsh blue liquid into his arm.

A tingling feeling came upon him as his undead body allowed the liquid to flow. The pain didn't hurt as much considering he was a vampire. However, Stallion is haunted by the fact he must continue to take this serum in order to stay in the stay in the sun. He feels it is more of a curse to him than a blessing.

"Damn it," he cursed to himself, "if it was for this stupid disease, I'd still be normal and wouldn't have to take this god damn medicine all the time." Stallion shook his face in anger and disgust. He regretted that day he was drunk at that tavern. He wanted to turn back and erase his mistake. He wanted to......

"Stallion? Hey, Stallion, you still in there?" Stallion recognized the voice as he quickly rushed towards the drawer to put the blue fluid and syringe away.

"Yeah, Jin, I'm in here," he called back from his room.

"Hey, bro, you doing anything in there?" the shapeshifter asked.

"No," Stallion lied.

"No? Good. Then you won't mind helping me giving the newcomers a tour?"

"No," the vampire repeated to his friend through the door. He walked to the door to open it, hearing a loud creaking sound. The vampire met face to face with the Genite as he said, "Let me get my coat." Stallion reached for his trench coat on his bed and pulled it on. He then walked outside and grabbed the knob on the door to pull it shut.

"Let's go," the vampire said to his friend. He followed his friend towards the main deck of the ship. The Genite made a sudden stop on the wide staircase entering into the bright sunlight.

Jin turned his face towards his follower. "You take your medicine, bro?" he warned Stallion, afraid the vampire's skin will disintegrate.

"Yeah, man," he answered, "I ain't that stupid." He walked away from behind Jin and was now side by side with him. "You know, I still wonder where you get that stuff anyway."

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out," the Genite remarked, arrogantly. The shapeshifter walked pass Stallion, with a smirk on his face, and onto the deck of the ship.

"I will never understand him," he thought to himself, as he too walked onto the deck and into the sunlight. Stallion rose his head toward the sun to shade it from his eyes.

"Damn sun," he muttered, shading it with his pale white hand. The vampire made his way on the deck and towards the others. Stallion blinked his eyes a little and walked to the open crowd where Jin and their visitors were already conversing with each other.

"..... arcane magic is great and all," the vampire heard from Dalion, "but I still think it is nothing compared to the runes."

"Yeah," Lilmis agreed, allowing herself to be carried into the discussion, " Runes extends the boundaries of magic to a whole other level of power,"

"Oh, you'd be surprised at what arcane magic can do," Jin replied, smiling.

The Auran summoner was about to answer back when Zakk interrupted, "What's the matter, vamp," he said to Stallion, after noticing him inching towards them, "don't like the sun?"

"I prefer the night if that's what you mean," he replied, still covering the sun with his hand.

"Well,"Jin said, "since everyone's here, let's begin the tour."

"Finally," Dalion said as they followed Jin out, "I thought I'd never get out of this blazing sun." He loosed out his armor as they followed him into the stairs leading to the lower decks.

Stallion was the last to come down, stopping to take in the fresh summer air. He peered up at the sky and savored the warmth of the sun and the deep cool brezze. Stallion remembered the longing to be at this moment after all those years, thinking it would never come. As the vampire took a breathe, he thought to himself, "The sun ain't that bad after all." Stallion hurried down the stairs to catch up with Jin and the others, while counting his blessings.

".....In here are your cabins, suitable for lodging and personal space...." Jin continued his long tour of the ship, droning on and on and on. Zakk has never been so tired or bored in his life. Then again, he's never seen such an arrogant being as Jin, who continued to ramble on.

"...Zakk and Dalion will take the this room," Jin continued, turning toward the group and pointing to the room on his left, "The lady's room is on the other side," he turned his attention towards Lilmis, "If you don't mind, of course?"

"No," she said quickly, yawning to herslf. The auran summoner also want to get this over with as well.

The shapeshifter moved away from the cabins and up the staircase in front of them. The group lay quickly, following the Genite through the ship. "Our last stop," Jin finally said, breaking the silence as they moved up the stairs, "is the engine room." He came onto the upper deck and pointed in front of him a large steel frame, shielding the engine from the outside.

The others gathered around the room as Jin tried to open the steel door. Realizing it was locked, he knocked on the door. "Who is it?" called out a low tone voice.

"Your mom, you elven freak," Jin joked, "Now, let us in!"

"Is he always like this?" Dalion whispered to Stallion, referring to Jin.

"No," Stallion answered, laughing, "he's usually a lot worse."

"Hey," Jin yelled, listening onto their conversion, "I heard tha..." The Genite couln't even finish his sentence when the door was pulled open and causing him to the wooden floor. The group laughed as Jin lifted his head and looked up to a heavily, black robed Drow. His hood hid his baldness and dark pointed ears stuck out from it. The Genite stared into the tattooed face and shook his head.

Wingyu smiled and said, "I know you missed me, Jin, but you don't have to kiss my feet.

The shapeshifter, who was already up, tranformed into the Drow and started to mimic, "You don't have to kiss my feet, bluh, bluh, bluh." He reverted to his original form and said, sarcastically, "Very funny, Wingyu."

Jin wiped the dirt from the floor off his clothes and said to the other, "This is Wingyu, the ship's Drow rune caster."

"The ship's ONLY Drow rune caster," the dark elf corrected.

Jin, shaking his head, continued, "Wing, here, provides the ship with the rune magic it needs to fly." He turned to Wingyu and asked, "Could you show them a demonstration?"

"Sure," he answered. The Drow led them into the far end of the room. There, they saw a large engine filled with rune crystals. He held out his hands towards the crystals. The elf's eyes closed and began to concentrate hard. Sweat droplet spread across his forehead as his elven body started to shiver. A few seconds later, Wingyu released his body from his meditation state and release surges of black energy into the crystals. Moments later, he closed his fist, absorbing the unused energy back into his dark skinned body. The others watched in astonishment as Wingyu shook off his headache. The silence and stillness allowed the dark elf to walk toward a nearby deck and pick up a tube of Drow energy. He cracked open the canister and allowed the energy to reenter his body.

"You know," Stallion said, breaking the silence, "No matter how many times I've seen it, I still can't get used to that."

Zakk, shaking his head, just stormed out of the room, pushing away anyone who got in his way.

"What's his problem?" Wingyu asked, after recovering from his rejuvenation.

"Don't ask," Dalion answered, "he just doesn't like Drow elves that much. No offense."

Before the Drow could ask why, Lilmis interrupted by saying, "Can you use other kinds of rune magic for the engine?"

"I don't know. You'll have to ask Jin," Wingyu answered. He looked around the room and couldn't find his friend. He looked at Stallion and asked, "Where'd Jin go?"

Stallion shook his head, wondering as well. The two walked out of the room as Lilmis and Dalion followed. They made their way onto the upper deck and found their comrade searching frantically around the main deck.

Above the shapeshifter, Stallion called out, "What are ya lookin' for Jin?"

The Genite ignored the vampire as he walked toward the left side and to a small door that kept the crews supply of food.

"You hungry already," Wingyu laughed, "we just ate."

Again, Jin ignored their comments as his opened the door. The others saw a young girl fall out from the supply room. She was wearing a white morning gown with jewelry embroidered on it. Her brown hair was combed neatly and light blue glistened in the sun. She looked up to the shapeshifter and asked, jokingly, "Are we there yet?"

Jin smiled and said, "Princess, princess, princess. You know how scum like me hate stowaways."

Dalion just shook his head and thought, "Princess? Why is she here? The gods must be toying with us," as he watched the Genite take the Princess Arra to the captain's cabin.

"Are you insane?!" Shobu shouted at his captain. He, Stallion, Jin and Wingyu were discussing the issue of the princess to the captain in the cabin. "We aren't keeping her here," he continued, ":She belongs up in Cloud Palace, with the rest of those damned snot heads."

"Although I don't share Shobu's prejudice opinion," Wingyu agreed as the azur snared at him. "I think its best the girl return to her home."

"But she doesn't want to go home," Captain Red responds to his crew's remarks, "They keep her up tighter than a prison cell in that palace." He paused to take a breath and continued, "I talked to Arra and she said her father allowed her to come with us.

"Arra?" Jin questioned, "don't you mean 'Princess' Arra?"

"I think you're using your emotions, and not best judgment to make your decision, cap," Wingyu added.

"You haven't fallen for this girl, have you?" Stallion asked Red, trying to trap him. The captain was silent, revealing the truth to his friends.

"I don't believe this!" Shobu said in disbelief, shaking his head and turning his back from the captain.

"Look, I'm not in love with her," Red barked at the others, trying to defend himself, "if that's what you guys mean."

"Red," Jin said, folding his arms, "I don't even have to read your mind to realize you have feelings for this girl."

The captain was silent as he sat still at his desk. The Genite's words had pierced his heart for they were the words of truth. "I can't be in love," he told himself, "could I?"

Shobu turned back to Red and walked back to his desk. He slammed his flaming fist on it and pulled the captain the shirt, "Look, jack ass," the azur shouted, pointing to the captain, "Get it into that thick head of yours. She's a princess, you're a mercenary. Deal with it."

"Shobu," Jin interrupted, putting his hand on the azur, "Put him down!" Shobu, realizing he had lost his temper. He threw Red back on his chair, causing it and Red to fall backward on the floor.

"Look," Jin said, trying to calm everyone down, as Red replaced his chair and sat back down. "This is pointless bickering," he turned to Red, "We don't care how you feel, think for a second. If you let her stay, the kingdom of Auran will bring down the entire imperial army after us. Don't be selfish, cap. You know what you have to do."

Red thought about it. Jin was right, Jin was always right. Red was a paladin and that meant keeping the peace. Starting an international fiasco is not considered very peaceful. Red sighed a little, wishing there was some other way. Red finally gave in, "Okay," he said, "Tomorrow, we'll take her b..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the cybernetic gnome, Kenti barged hastily into the room. His metallic feet rushed into the cabin and towards the captain's deck. He sounded exhausted as he spoke to Red.

"You got to see this," he finally said, seeming a bit surprised and scared.

"Not right now, Kenti," Red objected, "We're in a meeting right now." Then, he said suddenly, "Aren't you driving the ship!"

"Forget about that," the gnome said, ignoring his captain's comment, "You all have to see this."

He led way out of the cabin and onto the main deck. The faded image of Zen was beautiful as in glistened the great blue sky. It seemed so still from afar and so peaceful. The sound of the day seemed silent, only the winds that blew every day whistled in the calm unity. As the others looked at the city in awe but could not see what was bothering Kenti or his frightened behavior.

"I don't get it, gnome," Shobu said, only seeing the city, "Why did you bring us out here."

Kenti turned away from the direction of the city and towards the crew. Instead of answering, he pointed into the sky overhead.

The others tilted their head up, looking, hopefully, at the empty blue sky. They were all wrong. They peered at the sky to see it filled with dozens of dragon machines, floating towards the city of Zen. With their leathery wings spread and claws tucked in their belly, they cut through the air rapidly like a knife in butter. All of the crew members were silenced and stunned at the sight, as the army of metallic dragons flew on. Even though they did not really know, the crew realized what the dragons were up to.

"Jin!" Red finally shouted in the quietness, "Get the princess and the others on the lower decks."

"You got it, cap!" the Genite obeyed and left down the stair.

"Kenti, get back at the helm!" Red ordered the gnome.

Instead of obeying, he said, "What? You aren't going to...."

"Don't question me, damn it," his captain interrupted, angrily,"Just get up there!" Sensing Red's anger and lack of patience rising, the gnome skittered away to the helm.

"The rest of you, to your cannons!" the captain's shouted.

"You're insane!" Shobu said, "This isn't our fight."

"No, this is mine!"

"But, cap...."

"Don't 'but cap' me," the captain hissed back, "or I'll kick your butt out of this ship!"

"What the hell d'ya expect us to do," Stallion interrupted, "Laugh them to death! These are dragons, big metal dragons. Are we going to tickle them to death with our weakling cannons?"

"Look," Red said, giving the vampire a snaring look, "We do what we can do!"

"Yeah, but its not enou....", the vampire suddenly stopped his speech. The dragons answered for him.

These large, mechanical beasts surrounded, like a group of buzzards lurking over a dead corpse, the innocent city with their heads facing Zen and their mouths opened wide. From the dragon's mouth, energy of all colors formed in them. The energy was compressed into a large sphere as the dragons directed them towards the city of Zen. Without warning, large beams were released on the city from these bringers of death. The crew of the Protégé,watched in horror as the beams of energy struck the city with a loud bang, causing large eruptions to emerge across the city. The sudden blast caught the ship at a halt for they knew there was nothing else to do. The cries of the people from the city could be heard from afar, calling for help and mercy. They received no such pleasure. Flames began to burn into the golden city and combust the engines that kept the city afloat. The strong wind brought smoke into the air; the burnt spirit of Zen shattered. The dragons watched motionlessly as they destroyed the essence and beauty the city once stood for. They watched the great city tumble over the sky, smoke blackening the sky and flames form the blasts burning the city to a cinder. A shadow seemed to fall over the world that day like a cloud that over casts the great blue sky. The merciless dragons released their wings and set out away from the collapsing city. They seemed to have used little strength to destroy the city; almost as if it were a warning to someone.

There was a long silence on the ship, watching these monsters pummel the great city into oblivion. The city started to sink as a voice broke the quiet stillness.

"What's going on here?" Lilmis said as she and the others found their way to the main deck. They were confused to why Jin had brought them here, suddenly.

"Oh my god," Dalion said breathlessly as he pointed in the direction of the city. The others smelt the same ugly black smoke from Zen. They watched, in disgust, the scorched city slowly sink out of the sight. The dragons also watched, but in victory making their way down to the wreckage. From their metallic mouth was what seemed to be a smile from the dragons, each one diving, down with great speed, to the desert that lay below. To mock the city's once true greatness, each dragon took a slash, with their metal claws, at the city's engines, hoping to sink it faster. The city finally came to a tremendous clash on the sandy surface of the desert. Sand scattered and pushed around the rushing city, causing small but brief sandstorms. The once glistening gold that overlaid most of the city, lay dull and wasted in the sand. Its high power was extinguished with one swift stroke. The dragons finally came down and observed the fallen city. It seemed safe to say that the city and its inhabitant died that day for nothing could have survived the destruction, not to mention expect it. However, the dragons still swarmed over the wreckage. Not a soul remained in that newly turned wasteland. The dragons scoured up and down until they were satisfied. They spread their wings simultaneously and flew back to the sky, bathing themselves in their glorious victory. Nothing seemed to be able to stop these terrors of the sky.

Princess Arra couldn't believe it. Tears fell from her eyes and covered her eyes with her hands. She began to weep to herself as she told herself, repeatedly, "Father, I'm so sorry, father!" Soon, she could not bear to cry while the others watched the city go down. She immediately ran down to the lower deck, in sorrow and pain. Lilmis heard the princess running away to the lower deck and followed her down. No one else seemed to bother to follow the girls down for they were too distant from the explosion to pay attention. They were all in disbelief, some in misery and sorrow for many people they knew died that day. However, no matter how bad it got, they still continued to watch the burning city, never leaving the sight for a moment. They all immersed in their thoughts, watching the impossible become possible. The crew didn't care a Genite was there probing their thoughts for they all seem to feel the same way.

The Genite began to feel uncomfortable at the others quietness. He didn't bother to enter their thoughts, knowing this was a time to mind his own business. Instead, he too descended away from the others and towards the upper deck. As he walked away from the others, in his thoughts were elsewhere, away from the destruction of Zen. His feet touched the first stair towards the upper deck as he tilted his head towards the blackened, scorched sky, stopping to take a whiff of the air.

"You may have made the first move," he whispered to himself, "but the war is far from over."

The ashes of the city were smothered into the sand, not a single soul of Zen was heard. The city lay in ruins over the miles of yellow sand. Life was snuffed out in an instant, all hope seemed to perish in the wind. The city lay in pieces, the engines at one side, the palace at another. The city wasn't prepared for this, no one was prepared for any of this.

Then, out of the ashes of Cloud stood a crippled figure inching its way through the desert. With his robes torn and spirit withered away, his mind adrift and crowns dusted in sand, King Zen XIII walked ever so proudly in the desert, seeking mercy, seeking answers.

"Why?", he thought to himself, "Why did they destroy my kingdom? Why did they break my dream, my legacy? Why did my daughter run away? Why? Why?"

His legs soon fell exhausted and collapsed onto the soft sandy surface. From the ground, he called out, "Arra! Arra! Daughter, where are you?"

His words were strong, but not strong enough to carry them to his beloved daughter. Instead, a shadow fell upon the elven king. Someone else had heard Zen's shouts, unfortunately. The king lifted his head to see who had blocked away the sunlight from his face. He saw and was horrified. Zen was speechless, too frighten to say a word. The sun glared the figure and Zen could only see its face but it was its face that the knig was afraid of. Zen finally was able to draw a breath to speak but only to be silenced by his collapsing heart. He sank into a coma, at the mercy of the figure.

The figure smiled sinfully to himself as he whispered to the weak elf, "You are mind now, King Zen."

"Don't worry princess, things will be fine now," came the assuring word of Lilmis. The two were in Lilmis's new cabin on the ship where the two were sitting on the hay-filled bed. Lilmis was trying to comfort the sorrowful princess having seen what had happened to her beloved city. The day seemed to turn to darkness in a second as the two continued to mourn.

"No, they won't," Princess Arra cried, "My father, my city was destoryed in a matter of second. The very essence of my soul torn from its body. How am I to survive without my loving father to watch over me?"

"Look," Lilmis said, somewhat tired and silent from the days events, "You can get though this, I know you can. You're a strong girl."

"But, my heart is torn in two. How can I live my life knowing that I left my father to pursue my own interests? That I was so selfish enough to leave my father to his grave and a city that needed me?"

"Don't beat yourself up for someone else's doing," came the words of the auran summoner, "You followed your own path, your own heart and destiny. Nothing can change that now. The gods work in mysterious ways, princess. I too am feeling guilt and sorrow from what has happened. But, I'm not blaming myself for what has happened. I lost many people in Zen too, but I understand that there was nothing I could do to stop it. Life is full of surprises, that includes sorrow and pain. But, with each pain and sorrow, we become stronger." Arra stopped crying for a moment and listened to what her friend had to say, "Your father would have been proud if he could see you right not. I know I am. He has always been proud of you, no matter what you do. He loves you so much and nothing, not even death will stop that."

"Ummmm, may I come in?" Captain Red stood at the door of the cabin. It seems that Lilmis forgot to close it. His eyes meet with Arra's, and their hearts seemed to merge in the princess's time of need.

"I think I should leave you two alone," Lilmis said, when she saw the two needed to be with each other. The Auran summoner walked towards the door pasting the captain.

"Good luck," she whispered, smiling to Red, "If anyone could get through to her, its you."

Red shook his head, trying to shake off what Lilmis said to him. He slowly walked to the princess as she tried to wipe her tears away. He sat down in the place where Lilimis was once sitting.

"Are you okay?" he asked Arra in a calm tone.

"Yeah, just a little shaken up that all," was her answer.

"You know," he began, "I know how hard it is to lose someone you love. Though, I never really know how it feels." The princess looked up at the captain, surprised, "You see," he said, "I never really had the love of a parent. My mother died when she gave birth to me and my father of a broken heart a few days later. But, I remember them everyday. I know that they loved me, even if they died when they were an infant. I see that they did not abandon me, but gave me new life and hope. I sometimes blame myself for their deaths, but that wasn't true. They died to give me life and that is how i will always remember them." He took his finger to wipe a drop of tear from Arra's eyes. "Do you understand what I said," he finally asked the princess.

"Yes," she said in a short reply.

Red could feel that Arra was still troubled by her father's death. "If you want to know, we will continue to Draig, even though your father died." He received no response. "And, if you want to, we can take you to the Tidal Kingdom on the way there."

"Thank you," she answered, indicating the captain was getting through to her.

Silence overshadowed the cabin. Red turn toward the window that was covered in night. "Wonderful night we're having," the captain said finally, moving away to another subject.

"Yes," she whispered, also staring at the night sky, "It's quite beautiful tonight."

Suddenly, an idea popped into the captain's head. "Come with me," he said, taking her by the hand. He lifted them both out of the bed and walked out of the cabin.

"Where are we going?" she asked, when they reached the staircase.

"You'll see," was the captain's answer. He dragged her gently up the stairs and onto the main deck. They walked to the middle of the deck as Red stopped suddenly, "Okay," he said, smiling "Look up."

The princess peered into the night sky and saw the bright crescent moon in the sky. The scene seem breathless, not a cloud in the sky to disturb the peace and silence within. The night was filled with endless constellations and star shining bright. The princess watched as the stars moved slowly in the sky as the moon seemed to follow the ship's ever gentle movements.

"This is beautiful," Arra said looking back at Red.

"I know," Red agreed, "I seek for things I can't have for so long that I sometimes take for granted the things I do have," he pointed at the sky, "Like the freedom of the skies."

"Its so beautiful," Arra said again, looking in awe at the beautiful night sky. She returned her attention to the captain, finding him bowing towards the princess. Arra laughed at the captains strange behavior. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Permit me, princess," he said in a formal fashion, "one dance with you?"

"Dance?" she said, surprised with his question, "I don't hear any music."

"You don't need music," he said, smirking, "to dance, my dear princess." The captain took Arra by the hand and they suddenly started to dance uncontrollably. They waltz around the deck under the light of the moon. The two stared into each other's eyes and their hearts melted. Love blossomed between them, although neither one would say it. The two were too preoccupied with dancing to notice that the another was falling in love. They moved to the music of the air, the calm sound of the wind. They didn't care they were two different people from two different world. They ignored all the reasons not to fall in love and left their worlds, to meet each other in endless happiness. Their heads floated and dreamed while they danced, nothing seemed to stop them from loving each other, nothing. It was as though they had done this before but could not remember where. It didn't bother them much, as they danced the night away.

Above, from the upper deck overlooking the dancers, stood the Genite watching them dance in the dim light of his lantern. Jin smiled to himself, knowing that the two were enjoying themselves. "I wonder what love feels like," he thought to himself, watch his friend charm his princess, "I guess I don't know everything after all."

Suddenly, Jin sensed someone behind him, "You can come out now, Wingyu." He turned to his old friend who stood in the shadows of the deck. The Drow walked into the dim light to show his hooded self.

"So," he asked, "How is Red doing so far?"

"Well," the shapeshifter answered, pointing to figures dancing below them, "He has become and exceeded his father's expectations."

The elf caught a glance down at the main deck. "Do you think he's ready?" Wingyu pondered.

"We shall see," Jin responded with an indefinite answer, "When the time comes, we will know. Till then we can only watch."

"You know," Wingyu said while he looked up at the night sky, "You'll eventually have to tell him."

"But till then we watch," he repeated.

Wingyu shook his head at Jin, not impressed by his friend's arrogance, "When will you learn that life is not a game, that there are consequences to your actions, Jin. You can't play people as if they are puns in your chess game. You are not a god and we aren't your puppets, Jin!"

However, the Drow's words were ignored by the Genite's inner thoughts and Wingyu knew he wouldn't listen. Jin continued to watch the couple dance on the deck and smiled.

"No, Wingyu," he finally answered to his friend, "I'm not a god. Its more like I'm fighting against them."