Nelli and I playing around during a photo shoot.
Hold your mouse over the pictures to get a quick text message about them.
*New pictures as of September 3rd, 2005!!!
You are number
to visit this awesome webpage!
My sweetheart and the love of my life, Nelli.
Here are some of my favorite links to some cool websites!
This site is very informative.  Includes rules, U.S. course locations, proshop and more!!
Switzerlands best outdoor fun!!
This site is good to find maps of most of the courses in the U.S. and the rest of the planet!
I had such a blast in Switzerland thanks to these guys!  They took me canyoning through the Alps and made sure I got soaked!!  There are way too many things to do there, and these guys will show you all of them.
Any and all movie trailers are here for the watching.  All you need is Quicktime!
Under Construction
MOVIES Under Construction
You can find all kinds of film shorts here: animated, comedy, spoof, extreme, and much more!!
Ashley LOVES playing at the playground!
Joshua's making a birdhouse!!