San Francisco Earthquake 1906
San Francisco suffered one of the worst disasters in United
States history when a severe earthquake shook the city on 5:13
a.m., April 18, 1906. The terrifying rumble of the earthquake
shattered the morning silence, which lasted only a minute, but
caused the worst natural disaster in the nations history.
Modern analysis estimates it registered 8.35 on the Richter
The greatest destruction came from the
fires it ignited. Fires broke out in various sections as stoves
and gas lamps overturned, electric wires broke, and gas mains
exploded. Fire fighters could not beat the flames effectively
because the citys water mains had also been damaged. As a
result, fires raged unchecked for three days. The fire fighters
then began to dynamite entire blocks of buildings to stop the
spreading flames. The Maelstrom destroyed 490 city blocks, a
total of 25,000 buildings, made over 250,000 homeless and killed
between 450 and 700. Damage estimates topped $500 million!
San Franciscans quickly rebuilt their city. In 1915, the new San Francisco held the Panama-Pacific International Exposition to honor the opening in 1914 of the Panama Canal. The canal enabled ships to sail from New York City to San Francisco without having to travel around South America. But Los Angeles and Oakland greatly expanded their port facilities during the early 1900s. As a result, San Francisco lost its position as the leading center of commerce, manufacturing, and shipping in California.
The citys population, however, continued to grow steadily. By 1930, it had reached 634,394. The San Francisco-Oakland bay Bridge opened in 1936, and the Golden Gate Bridge in 1937.
During World War II, San Francisco
became one of the worlds largest shipbuilding centers.
Thousands of new residents came to work in the shipyard and other
war plants. In addition, thousands of military personnel were
stationed in and around the city. Although the great earthquake
of 1906 made a great impact on San Francisco and many cities
around it, the rebuilding and help of many people helped the city
become one of the largest and well known cities now.