
Jasper Scott third from right

My intergenerational Snapshot highlights my great-grandfather, Jasper Thomas Scott, and my grandfather, Walter Roy Grattan. Grandpa Scott was born on January 30, 1907 in Missouri to James Thomas Scott and Sarah Ellen Thomas. He married Viola Delila Baxter on October 23, 1926 in Port Orchard, Washington. He and grandma had six sons. Their third son, Beldon Doyl, is my grandfather. Beldon's first son, Robert Dwayne, is my father.

Grandpa Grattan was born on February 6, 1928 in Port Huron, Michigan to Walter LeRoy Grattan and Irene Marie Roy. He married Lois Lillie Hall on November 22, 1952 in Salem, Oregon. He and grandma had six children. Their first child, Debra Mae, is my mother.

My intergenerational snapshot not only highlights my grandfather and great-grandfather; it also focuses on international, national, and local events that happened during their lifetimes. I've included information on presidents of the United States, the Boxer Rebellion, the Wright Brothers, and the San Francisco earthquake. I also researched and wrote about the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, Rough Riders, and the Great Depression.

Genealogy is a big part of my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My dad enjoys doing genealogy, and has had some great experiences researching his ancestors. I have enjoyed learning more about my grandfather and great-grandfather while doing this project. I've also learned a lot about the historical events that took place when they were born, while they were growing up, and during their adult years.

Walt Grattan with my mom on shoulders