Thanks Maizella!!!

Established November 1998

As you walk in the door you are greated by the sounds of talking guests, the smell of excellent food... and the grasping hands of a curious female kender.

Luckily for you, a slender, blue skinned elf maiden intervenes on your behalf. "Songbird," she says in a musical voice, "why don't you go back to the kitchen and help the others."

"Sure thing!," Songbird chirped excitedly, and she ran back into the kitchen to cause more trouble. At this point, you're able to get a better look at the elven woman. Her most obvious feature is her long, blond hair. Her green eyes laugh lightly, but they hold an adventure's wisdom of the road. She has an unasuming manner, and is dressed in clean, but well worn clothes.

She smiles brightly and says, "Welcome to the Gold Dragon Inn. I'm Rayadragon, the owner. There's lots of things to do here while you wait to contunue your journey through the internet. In the Image Gallery Wing, there are lots of different paintings, including some of my own artwork. I have a fine collection of magical instruments, and you can see them in action when you visit the MIDI Wing. In the Office you can check to see what's new here, and I have a small closet where I keep the Awards the Inn has won. Finally, when you chose to leave, you can use the Web Ring Teleporters out in the back or leave by the Roads out of the Inn to friends web pages."

"I have a few small rules here though. First and foremost, no fights. While the occasional brawl does start, the Gold Dragon Inn is well know for being a haven for all travelers. We ask that you respect the rights of others and don't start any fights unless you absolutly must. Second, if for some reason there is a fight, those involved in the fight are expected to pay for any damages that they cause. Third, magical creatures are allowed in the Inn, but please, keep them under control and cleen up any messes that they make. Lastly, enjoy yourselves. This is meant to be a place of gathering for everyone."

"I hope you enjoy your stay at the Gold Dragon Inn. Before you go, would you be kind enought to sign my guestbook? I like hearing about what people say about my Inn, either good or bad. You can also email me and let me know how your stay was."

"Thanks again for visiting my fine establishement." Rayadragon's smile widens briefly, and then she walks off to see how the other patrons are doing. You now have free reign to explore the Gold Dragon Inn.

Last updated 8/28/04

It's that time again everyone! I'm nearly out of webspace... again. I have enough to do a major update for the MIDI section. Feel up to a challenge? I need some help finding some free webspace with a decent amount of space and bandwidth (remember, this is an image intensive site, I'll need all that I can get). Any help would be appreciated in this. Please email Rayadragon if you find something that might fit. Remember, it has to be free. Thanks for all your help!

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