Dark Empire II

*looks at you with big eyes*What are you?!? Crazy?!? You took us deeper into the Dark Empire!! I told you to go left! I did!! But NOOOO...You just HAD to go Right! Didn't you?! Geeze!*slaps his forehead in frustration*Welcome to HELL! *looks at you*Well...Don't just stand there! We have to get out of here! The Dark Army must know we are here by now. If we survive this, and King Falcon finds out we got stuck here, He'll kill us! Hopefully I'll get lucky and he'll just FIRE ME!*grabs your arm and pulls you along keeping hidden in the shadows*
The Dark Castle
AHH! Wrong Way! Wrong Way!!*pulls you down to hide and whispers to you*That's the Dark Castle!...The capital of the Dark Empire! The Heart of Evil!...The Black Hole of the Universe!...The Brain of Brimstone!...The Home of Death!*you shake him out of it*Huh? Oh...sorry, That's the 1st Infantry Division of the Dark Army coming out of there. It's full of fighters, and wizards, and goblins, and...*shivers*You don't want to know. I don't want to know! No one really knows who built the Dark Castle...it's been around for as long as anyone can remember. But if you ask me, it's just not natural. Come on...stay low...and follow me.
The Seige of Yorkshire Castle
Yorkshire is located near No Man's Land(NML) along the southern coast of Atlantica, which makes it a primary target for the Dark Army's forces. Fortunately, in this battle, Yorkshire's forces were able to thwart the enemy attack.
Yorkshire's 2nd Calvery Division reinforced by Alexandria's 1st and 2nd Infantry Divisions engages the Dark Army's 4th and 5th Infantry Divisions just a few miles outside of Yorkshire.
General Agony
Next to General Chaos, this guy, General Agony, takes the cake for the overall Psycho Award! He just wants to Kill, Kill, Kill, and Kill some more! He's a Calvery Division Commander and is another candidate for the job as the next evil Dragon Lord. Agony's Fearsome in battle...virtually unstoppable. Only the best of our Knights have the guts and the talent to take him on in battle, and hold their own.

Come on! You don't have time to sign the Atlantica Guestbook now! Wait till we get back! Our Archer will hold off the Dark Army thugs so we can make our escape!*runs*
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