The Land of Red Dwarf, Wheel of Time, and Anime.
Disclaimer: I did not make up Red Dwarf, Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, or The Wheel of Time.
Additional: Many thanks to all the sites that I have used graphics from. If you feel that I missed you in the following lists, please e-mail me and I will give you credit. These include: The Red Dwarf Official web site, Silicon Hell, Ice Princess's Smeg Realm, The World of Anime, and Lycentia's Web Shop.

Updates: Season two quiz is up! I have finally gotten my butt into action. So, take the quiz, see how you do. Maybe you'll win the award. I think that's all for now. My option for the anime is still up and any other comments can be sent to

Ranma 1/2
- Characters
- Galleries
- Links
- Plot
Thank you sooo much Meatball Head for the guestbook graphics!
people have graced my presence since November 20, 1998.
Tiffany's Fanfic