Human Outrage

Etiam placerat

Fusce porta pede nec eros. Maecenas ipsum sem, interdum non, aliquam vitae, interdum nec, metus. Maecenas ornare lobortis risus. Donec mattis quam aliquam risus. Nulla non felis sollicitudin urna blandit egestas. Integer et libero varius pede tristique ultricies. Cras nisl. Proin quis massa semper felis euismod ultricies.

Raid Info

Remember that Lert STILL needs anyone who has not done so, to mail him your prefered raid schedule and class. This way as few people as possible will be sitting out.

Guild Bank

While we are still trying to work out the kinks in the system, it seems that we may not have to do so for much longer. Rumor is, that Blizzard is currently working to implement guild banks into the game to free up character slots for our mules. Yay! Either way, send what you don't need, nor find the urge to sell, to guild banks and we'll make note of it. We currently have no way to display what is in each guild bank without me having to spend HOURs on end updating daily and I refuse to do it.

Karazhan Going Smoothly

August 28th, 2007 by Klor

The battle for Karazhan.  Unfortunately the Alliance lost when group two came out to join group one.  Notice all the skeletons?  :)

With yesterday being Tuesday and the resets starting fresh, I am not sure how well group one and group two have progressed beyond what they already had. I have been out of town all week on a business trip with no way to access my WoW addiction due to the lack of gaming laptop while on the road. Last I had heard, group one was still stuck on Prince with no attempts at Nightbane... except for the stupid mistake apparently heard around the realm when I ran out to summon him by myself and the raid followed me... Needless to say... We wiped. BUT we did get him to 99%! Lets just say I got ridiculed for that for a good hour from multiple whispers from other guilds. Group two on the other hand had just downed Shade, and started working on Illhoof but attempted it without any Warlocks ... They are definately impressing the rest of us with the fast pace that they are progressing through Karazhan, definately moving much quicker than group one did to clear it. Keep up the damn good work guys! Their favorite quote that gets said quite often may have came true in the past two days for all I know...

If you guys don't hurry and down Prince, group 2 is going to beat you to it!

All I can say is... If that does happen... I am moving to group two! Heh.

On other Karazhan news, Lert has asked that those of you who are in group 2, or not yet assigned to a raid group for Karazhan, to mail him in game with your class and your available/prefered raid times so that we can start assigning people to groups. From what I am told, group one is taken care of as we've been running together since the 40s, so we pretty much know who is what. However some of the new guys that do not show up as often are not so known and we don't want to leave anyone out. So please, take a bit of responsibility, and do this simple step to get yourself seated. Otherwise you have no one but yourself to blame for not being in Karazhan atleast once a week.

Gruul's Lair Attempt

August 28th, 2007 by Klor

A couple of weekends ago we attempted our first Gruul's Lair run. We didn't do too bad, could have been alot worse, but we did manage to nearly perfect the pull. That is the hardest part on the Warlord guy or so I am told. We still have a bit of work to do by gearing up some of our members, but also running more instances together so that we can get used to how each other play.

Needless to say, it felt awesome to see so many members of Human Outrage in the same spot working together for a common goal. Too often many of the big guilds seem to stray from one another and go their separate ways working only to better the individual toon.. Human Outrage is one of the few i've been in that seem to strive to better the guild as a whole instead of the toon. I've seen time and time again as gear, that could most definately better a toon, be passed on so that someone with less than par gear could get it to give them that slight boost. It's reasons like this that I see Human Outrage progressing VERY quickly in the next month or so and possibly catching some of the already solid built guilds when it comes to raiding. Unlike most of the guilds, many of us in Human Outrage have been playing for less than a year...some of us, such as myself, have been playing for less than six months... Raiding is new to many of us, specially for anything beyond five Its definately a new experience.

Maybe thats why we have such a good natured group... We are not burnt out on the game and play it like a job, but find the enjoyment that should be there and try to have fun every step of the way.

The New Design

August 28th, 2007 by Klor

After much time spent putting this off and putting this off, I finally decided to start working on the much needed webpage for Human Outrage. While it may not be an original design, the information is here and thats all the page was needed. Thanks goes out to Arcsin for their amazing design and their saving me many agonizing hours trying to make one of my own since they never turn out right anyway. What better way to spend my 9 hours at work to keep myself from sleeping as the IT field is rather slow now adays, right? I will try to keep the page updated as much as possible and soon will be finding a real spot to host it.