Welcome! I am Silvia Rose, Queen of Tristan, and I will be your hostess during your stay with us. Unfortunately, I won't have the time to show you around, but I trust you are capable of that yourself. Feel free to explore the castle and archives at your leisure, and please visit Forest Tristan while you are here. That is where I lived before I became Queen, and it is truly beautiful. My home in Misty Vale still stands, and is always unlocked if you wish to visit. You will not regret the trip.
As of Monday, June 30, 1999, the Kindom of Tristan is once again an independent kingdom, under the sole leadership of Silvia Rose and her adviors. Atlantica will remain to be an ally of course, but has no official say in Tristan affairs.
Castle Archives
Member Profiles - Here you will find a list of all the current members of Tristan, and a bit of information about each of them.
Laws of Tristan - Here are the laws which must be followed by all in Tristan. If you wish to become a citizen of Tristan, you must first reside in the realm of Ayenee. If this first requirement is met, please read the laws here carefully.
Alliances/Terms of Alliance - The terms which an allied land of Tristan must agree to, and a listing of the allied lands.
Links - The enclosed are links to other locations in the realm of Ayenee that may intrest you. Members of Tristan especially should be sure to check this out, it contains important information.
Tristan Public Bulliten Board - If you care to leave a message for a member of Tristan, or the entire kingdom, you can do so here. I will occasionally post news here as well.
Tristan Royal Gardens - The gardens will be a continual work in progress, so visit often! If you would like some flowers planted in your honor, send me an email with your favorite flower, and favorite song/poem/quote/whatever else you would like on the page.
Tristan Commons - The commons are the center for Tristan music and festivities during the warmer months, and right now you can hear some of the finest music in all of Ayenee, mostly in MIDI format.
Angry Button - This is just a little script I found funny.. but then my sense of humor is a little strange. It's a button with an attitude! *giggles*
Please address all comments and questions to the webmistress at silvia_rose@yahoo.com.
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