In the first of the Discworld series, we meet our first character. Rincewind, he is the incompetant wizard who can't even spell wizard. In a bar one day a tourist comes in, speaking in an unknown language. Luckily for him though he meets Rincewind who speaks many languages. (he is a complete coward and can scream for mercy in millions of langauges) and the tourist Twoflower employs him as a guide and they set off in to the darkness authough its not dark as the ciy Ankh-Morpork is on fire. Again.
Rating 7/10
The 2nd dicworld book sees the return if Rincwind and Twoflower and the Luggage, as they once again travel the Disk on there adventures. I won't spoil it for you but do read this AFTER the Colour of Magic and everything should be alot clearer.
Rating 8/10
Here we meet Granny Wheatherwax, a witch in the village of Badass. An eigth son of an eigth son is about to be born. A wizard! This is traditional and and also sensible because wizards are celibate, and if eigth sons of eigth sons go around breeding there is the chance of sourcery. Anyway thats another book. An old wizard with 6 minutes to live comes to Badass and gives his magical powers to the eigth son. only they forgot to chck the sex of the baby. Arguably the best Discworld novel.
Rating 9½/10
In this we meet Death, no not litually the book isn't that bad, we meet Death, you know the old bloke with a boney handshake and a VOICE LIKE THIS who is employing an apprentice (Its true!)called Mort (Coincidence?) the book is hiarious as are all the Discworld books and in this one we see a short appearance from Rincewind.
Rating 9/10
Soucery sees the return of rincewind and the luggage. A soucerer has been bourn and has come to Unseen Univercity to take over. A soucerer makes magic so where he is there is alot of it. This means that any wizard can do whatever he likes. Anarchy rules. Towers of Magic spring up all over the disk. all firing at one another. the gods fall and the ice giants are free to rule the world. or are they?
Rating 9/10
Wyrd Sisters is a spoof of Macbeth. There is the evil king the witches and the duchess and the lovers and everything. The right ful king of lancre has been taken by a band of traveling actors abroad. He is then magicly grown up (Long story). and returns to banish the evil king. Granny weatherwax ruturns. Nanny ogg and Magrat Garlick are introduced.
Rating 7/10
In Djelibabye, a country just to the left of Tsort the king dyes. The biggest Pyramid you will ever see is being built. Pyramids have high levels of magic round them and every day they flare off at dawn. But this one hasnt been built quick enough and without a point at the top, the flare is distoted. Reality moves..........
Rating 8½/10
In Ankh-morpork the biggest city on the disk, the city watch(Police) have a new member one corpral Carrot. Brought up by a dwarf, he moves to ankh-morpork and joins little does he know what lies in store for him. Something along the lines of Dragons perhaps?
Rating 8½/10
A strange one, and also my first discworld book I ever read. Rincewind is back, in the dungeon dimensions, he meets Eric, a young demonologist who summons him. He asks for three or four wishes, and he gets them........ literally.
Rating 9/10
Some people say this is the best book but i don't think so. It took me a while to get into but Dr Olio read it in 4 days. He says it's his top book but Mascarade gets the no.1 slot for me. In a town not far from ankh-morpork, something is calling people to it. Victor Thrugelbend, a Student wizard goes and sees the new moving pictures which the alchamists had invented. He is called to Holy Wood, where he breaks into moving pictures. Gaspode the wonder dog makes his debut.
Rating 9/10
Things are coming to life.No really things are coming to life the death aren't dying and shopping trolleys are taking over everywhere? who you gonna call?GHOSTBUSTERS! (wrong thing Ant)what,oh the Wizards are there to help them and captain Carrot.But where is Death?...
Rating 9/10
A strange one this a mockery of cinderella it turns out to be. The wiches go and see grannies sister who is evil (Wouldn't you believe it?)and the story unfolds. Hilarious if not bizzare. I still can't make it out.
Rating 8/10
Brutha the trainee monk is called upon by the great god Om. Om is having troouble with believers and instead of coming back as a great white bull, he comes back as a one eyed turtle hurtling down from the sky after being dropped by an eagle. Only Brutha can help him and they have a long and wary journey.
Rating 8½/10
Granny is back. Up in Lancre on a hill lie the dancers, made of iron they are the gateway for the elves. Elves are viscious things that play around with you mind. Can Granny and Nanny stop them before they cause tooo much trouble?
Rating 8½/10
Men At Arms
Rating ?/10
Soul Music
As i'm typing this, i'm about 1/3 of the way through the book. (yes even Nurse Ant hasn't read all the Discworld books, go on laugh all you want i don't care, you try running to me when you want a book reviewed, THEN who'll be laughing eh? ME!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!)(slap) thanks Dr Olio. Where was I.... ah yes. Now. errr. Right. Right.from what I can gather, there is a new boy in town, goes by the name of Imp y Celyns, a Llamedos native who has come to Ankh-morpork to make a living. He trys to join the Musicans Guild but hasn't enough money so him and his new friends Glod and Lias, a Dwarf and a Troll, form a band to raise the money. Little did they know that by doing so they create music which is alive...Also Death joins the Klatchian Legion, and Susan, Deaths granddaughter has to take over his job. Bizzare? Not completley.
Rating 9/10 (So far).
Interesting Times
Rincwind is Back, after being blasted into the Dungeon Dimensions in Sourcery, and escaping hell in Eric, the Wizards of Ankh-morpork, finnally get him back to the Discworld. The counterweight continent, the only island on the Discworld which hasn't been fully explored by people of Ankh-morpork and the surrounding areas, is where Rincewind, after some debate from the Wizards and a lot of arguing from Rincewind, is teleported to. After an adventure there which includes castles and battles and the return of Cohen the barbarian and his crew and the return of Twoflower, the Wizards finally get it together and try to get Rincewing back. Only they transport him to the island XXXX. Another unexplored island, where Rincwind is dropped. He is baffled by huge hopping things aind people that go g'day mate. Fantastic.
rating 9/10
Finally! My fave novel by Terry, Granny and Nanny are back and this time its personal, no really it is, nanny wrote a book called the joye of snacks and the publishers wouldn't pay her so they set of for ankh-morpork. Agnes Nitt the only other concievable witch after magrat had become queen is als in ankh-morpork. She wants to become a singer in the opera house, so granny and nanny pay her a vistit too.
Rating 9½/10
Feet of Clay
rating ?/10
Brilliant book, this one, in which Death, becomes the Hogfather. A local assasin has been hired to kill the hogfather by strange floaty men wearing a cloack. So Death with the help of albert his man-sevant, set off to deliver goodwill and presants to the Disk. This book is one of my alltime favourites, it is a long book but worth every page.
Rating 9½/10
Coming soon! full reviews of Jingo, the last continent, Carpe Jugulem and then later in the year, the Fifth Elephant.
If you wish for a more in depth review of a book E-Mail Dr Olio at drolio@yahoo.comNote: NOT Nurse Ant because he can't be bothered.