DISCWORLD,DISCWORLD,DISCWORLD! a great page brought to you by DR. Olio and Nurse Ant. full of downloads,pictures,links etc. etc. etc. Join Discworld monthly, get your views expressed via E-Mail and have fun!

Def is an ALMIGHTY Webpage built for Discworld fans and Beginners.

Welcome fare traveller. You have stumbled across DEF's Page. It is an amazing fantastic Page. Oh and by the way...Wanna buy a sausage inna bun©?...

Now A word From the Librarian...

"Oook Ooook Ok Ook Oook Oooko Oook Oook."

ehh Yeah Thanks.

A Most awaited mappe by Discworld Fans is a world view of the Disc. Sorry, haven't got that, but I can give you the next best thing.

If you wish to receive more Info about the Discworld books and stuff, try this page.

Downloadable stuff including the Discworld 2 Demo, and The Colour Of Magic Text game.

BRILLIANT LINKS. No really, there are some good links in here....honest.

Dr Olio's and Nurse Ants book reviews. He's pretty good at it really(You can take that knife away now Ant...)

Photos and pictures from the Discworld books and Webpage's.

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