Eriond's world
This page is dedicated to Leigh and David Eddings. However, it reflects not all
of their creativity: We are speaking here only about the world ofthe Belgariad
and of the Malloreon. Of course, nobody can imagine a fantasy world without a map.
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The whole story is told in two cycles of five books each:
- Pawn of Prophecy
- Queen of Sorcery
- Magician's Gambit
- Castle of Wizardry
- Enchanter's Endgame
- Guardians of the West
- King of the Murgos
- Demon Lord of Karanda
- Sorceress of Darshiva
- Seeress of Kell
We know, however, that some of the characters were born a few thousand years
before these events. Two of them more or less freely agreed to write down their
Belgarath the Sorcerer (you can read Beldin's
review, but beware of his foul mouth...)
Polgara the Sorceress
Can we trust them? We certainly hope so. Other sources of information are not very reliable,
too. A collection of myths of this world is in preparation now. It is carefully edited
and commented by a great Tolnedran scientist, Jeebers. We don't know why Ce'Nedra calls
him a "stuffy idiot". Thus, we are looking forward for the book
We are happy to propose our readers something new: The
comment of a Dryad. Quite
obviously, she read most of the books (except the "Rivan Codex"), but she has her
own point of view. After recovering from your surprise, you possibly will find it
The latest news: We are able to announce an interview with Eriond! After
all, this is - or will be - his world, and some of its inhabitants will be
interested in his plans for the near future (say, about 10000 years). Eriond is
very busy, of course, but we are able to publish the
interview now.
Remark: Some of the characters mentioned here (Eriond, Beldin,
Garion, Ce'Nedra,...) are the intellectual property of Leigh and David Eddings.
The author of these pages respects their decision not to write any mory stories
acting in Eriond's world. Nevertheless, he feels free to suggest some events or
characters (Xerena,...) which could appear there by virtue of mere logical consequence.
Hans-Jürgen Fischer, last modified